- Specifies whether the dynamic generation of FM/IMS
templates is enabled.
- N
- FM/IMS functions that have requested a new or an existing view or criteria set don’t attempt to generate a template for the database that the function is accessing.
- Y
- FM/IMS functions that have requested a new or an existing view or criteria set attempt to generate a template for the database that the function is accessing.
Functions generate the template from field definitions in the DBDs. Therefore, it is a requirement that application-defined fields must have been added to your DBDs.
If application-defined fields have not been added to your DBDs, set DYNTPLT=N, otherwise attempts to generate a template for the database would fail.
When ACBs are managed by IMS™ (ACBMGMT=CATALOG), functions get the field definitions from the IMS™ catalog . When ACBs are managed by your installation (ACBMGMT=ACBLIB), functions get the field definitions from the DBD libraries for the subsystem.
This parameter is optional. If it is not specified on the FMN1POPI macro statement, FM/IMS uses either the value specified on the FMN1POPD macro statement (if specified on that statement), or N (otherwise).
Users cannot override the value you specify for this parameter.