Process Options Help
File Manager Tape to Sequential Data
Tapes: No tapes allocated
DDNAME to use . enter new name, or select one from above
Record format . U F,FB, V,VB,VS,VBS, D,DB,DS,DBS, or U
Record length . 50 if deblocking desired, fixed format only
Skip count . . number of records to be skipped
Copy count . . ALL number of records to be copied
Files . . . . . 1 number of tape files, EOV, or EOD
Data set name .
Member . . . . if partitioned
Volume serial . if not cataloged
Unit . . . . . for tape data sets
Disposition . . CAT OLD, MOD, NEW, or CAT (for NEW,CATLG)
Record format . FB if new format: U,F,V, or D, with B,S,A,M
Block size . . physical output block size
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel