XML definitions for a template

Table 1. XML definitions for a template
Lvl Element Attribute Type Description
1 template lang


For templates derived from copybooks.


  • PLI
  • ASM
type All Type of template.


  • BASE
  • IMS
  • Db2®
segmented BASE Applies to File Manager Base component templates only and is a Boolean value to indicate the template is segmented or not.


  • 0
  • 1
  • true
  • false
2 describe all This is a template description. You can provide up to five occurrences of this element and it equates to five description lines. Maximum length is 54 characters per description line.
2 db2object Db2® This is the Db2® object in the form owner name.objectname.
2 ssid Db2® This is the four character Db2® subsystem. This value has no effect for import which uses the SSID of the Db2® session for which it is run.
2 db2rel Db2® The Db2® release for the template object. This is for information purposes only.
2 dbd


This is the DBD name. It is used as the originating template name for view and extract criteria, when an import is being performed.
2 imstp


This is the IMS template data set name. This overrides the default template data set names provided in the options when importing a view or extract criteria.
2 dbdlib


This is the IMS DBDLIB that is used to build the IMS template. You can specify this element up to six times to provide more than one DBD library to be searched.
2 relcrit max IMSCRIT Relation criteria definitions.

max="nnn" Integer

Enter a number to be used as the default maximum number of target database records to be selected per source database record for the listed logical and application relationships.

If you do not specify, there is no default maximum selections per database record.

sel Boolean


Not selected
3 reldbd name name="DBD name" Source DBD name
seg seg="segment name" Source Segment
targ targ="DBD name" Target DBD name
bidir Boolean and appears on export (bidir="1") if the relationship is bidirectional.
sel Boolean


Not selected
max max="nnn" Integer

Enter a number to be used as the maximum number of target database records to be selected per source database record for the listed logical and application relationships.

If you do not specify, the relcrit max value is used if specified. If both are unspecified then there is no limit. It is recommended that a value of 2 or 3 is used for bidirectional logical relationships.

2 cset subset IMSCRIT Criteria set subset number.
sel IMSCRIT Boolean.


Not selected
desc IMSCRIT Optional description.
2 copybooks


Group element for copybook definitions.
3 library Data set name where a copybook can be found. This element can be repeated up to 12 times.
3 syslib Data set name where nested copybooks can be found. This element can be repeated up to ten times.
3 member name Copybook member name.
lib This specifies the library element number from which this copybook must be taken. If not specified the first occurrence in the library data sets specified.
name01 01 name to be inserted by File Manager.
segname IMS only Associated IMS segment name.
4 segdesc IMS only Segment description.
4 redefine offset Boolean. Set to 1 to tell File Manager to automatically adjust the offset value for each layout so that the starting location is the redefines, union or org field start location.
chglvl Boolean. Set to 1 if required. COBOL level change.

This is a COBOL ONLY option which changes the way the level value (specified below) is processed. If you set this option then every occurrence of the specified level value is changed to 01 before the compile step, irrespective of whether the data item has a redefines clause. This option should be used with care as it may result in incorrect offsets to data items, or compile errors as the structure is changed from its intended programmable form.

level Source level value that is used to identify redefines or union level clauses that are to generate new record layouts.

This value is used when you have a structure that has defined multiple layouts using COBOL redefines or PL/I unions. File Manager creates a separate record layout or each redefines clause at the given level. After the first matching redefines is found, File Manager creates new layouts for the next and subsequent redefines for the same level and start location. Header and trailing data items are included in each record layout. This field is ignored for Assembler copybooks.

name Field Name: This specifies the target field name of the redefines (COBOL), Union (PL/I) or ORG (Assembler) clause.

File Manager uses this value to determine the redefines, union or org statements that are to be represented in a new layout. This is an alternative way of identifying redefines, union and org statements that require new layouts to be generated. You can specify both Level and Field name values and File Manager checks both when generating new layouts.

4 sourcerange fromstr From string. File Manager searches each source statement for the specified string. The first statement with a matching string starts the extract process. If the From statement is specified (not the default value), then it is used if the string is not found first.
tostr To string. File Manager searches each source statement for the specified string. The first statement with a matching string ends the extract process. If the To statement is specified, then the first statement that matches either the To statement value or contains the To string ends the extract.
fromstmt From Statement: Start source line number. This tells File Manager the starting statement for extract. If not specified the default start location is statement 1.
tostmt To Statement: End source line number. This tells File Manager the ending statement for extract. If not specified the default end location is the last source statement.
3 cobol dbcs


Boolean. Set DBCS="1" if the DBCS COBOL compiler option is required.
maxrc Maximum acceptable compiler RC, 0-20.
mixedcase Boolean. Set mixedcase="1" to retain the original case of the field name as coded in the COBOL copybooks. This feature is only available if you are running with the File Manager COBOL compiler or a minimum compiler level of Enterprise COBOL V4R1.
dpc Boolean. Set dpc="1" to use the Decimal-point is comma SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph when compiling COBOL copybooks.
arith Boolean. Set arith="1" to use the Arith(extend) COBOL compile option when compiling COBOL copybooks.
4 replace Group element to provide COBOL replacing strings.
5 repfrom COBOL replace from string. There should be a matching repto element. Up to five replace from elements supported
5 repto COBOL replace to string. Should be one for every repfrom string specified.
4 cbladdopp Additional COBOL compiler options which is added via the CBL statement when a COBOL compile is run to build or update a template. These options are validated during the compile process. To avoid compile errors please ensure the syntax is correct and that any additional data sets required by these options are allocated prior to invoking FMN. Do not exceed 50 bytes.
<cbladdop>compiler options</cbladdop>
3 pli graph


Boolean. Set graph="1" to use the GRAPHIC PL/I compiler option.
maxrc Maximum acceptable compiler RC: 0-20.
bin63 Boolean. Set bin63="1" to use the LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(63)) PL/I compiler option.
fixdec Boolean. Set fixdec="1" to use the LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(31)) PL/I compiler option.
unalign Boolean. Set unalign="1" to add the statement DEFAULT RANGE(*) UNALIGNED;. This changes the default for structure alignments.
4 pliaddopp Additional PL/I compiler options which are added via the *PROCESS statement when a PL/I compile is run to build or update a template. These options are validated during the compile process. To avoid compile errors please ensure the syntax is correct and that any additional data sets required by these options are allocated prior to invoking FMN. Do not exceed 50 bytes.
<pliaddop>compiler options</pliaddop>
3 asm dbcs


Boolean. Set dbcs="1" to use the DBCS assembler compiler option.
noalign Boolean. Set noalign="1" to use the NOALIGN assembler compiler option.
4 asmaddopp Additional HLASM compiler options which are added via the *PROCESS statement when a assembler is run to build or update a template. These options are validated during the assembly process. To avoid assembly errors please ensure the syntax is correct and that any additional data sets required by these options are allocated prior to invoking FMN. Do not exceed 50 bytes.
<asmaddop>compiler options</asmaddop>
2 layout name Not Db2® 01 layout name - not applicable to Db2® templates


The name of the copybook where this 01 layout originated.
sel Not Db2® Boolean. The default value is 1. Specify sel="0" to deselect the layout.


Segment name


Boolean. The default value is 1. This is segment selection - it only has value when used for Views and Criteria sets - Typically you can use this to turn off segment selection by setting segsel="0".
offset not Db2® offset="nnnn" The default value is 0. The start location of all fields in the layout is adjusted by the value provided, which must be in the range -32760 to 32760.
3 criteria type Not Db2® Specify:
Identification criteria
Selection criteria
Related identification criteria
byfield Boolean. The default value is 0. Specify byfield="1" if expressions are specified using byline elements as opposed free format. <exp>expressions</exp> values are ignored if you specify byfield="1".
or segmented Boolean. The default value is 0 Specify or="1" to OR this criteria with related 01 criteria.
rname segmented The name of related 01 layout. This is only valid if type="RID" is also specified.
cset IMSCRIT cset=nnn The subset number this criteria belongs to. The subset number is defined on the cset element subset attribute described above.
4 exp ALL This is a free format expression or a where clause for Db2® templates. Note: As expressions generally contain special XML characters it is advisable to specify using CDATA as follows:
<exp><![CDATA[ my expression]]></exp>
4 byline ALL Use the byline and child elements to describe your expression by field. The elements described here map to the by field representation entered through the ISPF interface to provide an expression by field. byfield="1" must be specified on the layout to specify these elements.
seq This is the sequence number starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 for each subsequent byline.
lparen Specify lparen="(" to insert a left parenthesis before the expression defined by this element.
rparen Specify rparen=")" to insert a right parenthesis after the expression defined by this element
conn How this expression is to be connect to subsequent expressions. Specify conn="AND" or conn="OR".
name The name of the field this expression is to use as the left hand side operand.
5 oper not Db2® The arithmetic relational operation. See the operators described for the dynamic template panel in this manual for a full description. As operators generally contain special XML characters it is advisable to specify using CDATA as follows:
<oper><![CDATA[ < ]]></oper>
oper2 Db2® This is the Db2® operator as described in the File Manager User’s Guide and Reference for DB2 Data, see Row Selection Criteria and the supported operators.

As operators generally contain special XML characters it is advisable to specify using CDATA as follows:

<oper2><![CDATA[ <]]></oper2>
byval ALL This specified the right hand or second operand which must be a valid value for the specified operator and field or column referenced.

It must not exceed 255 characters.

3 symbol all This element, with its attributes and child elements are used to specify the formatting, create, scrambling and for dynamic templates the field definition itself.
name This is the field or column name.
sel Boolean. The default value is 1. Specify sel="0" to deselect the column or field.
seq not Db2® This is a number representing the display order. Lowest number appears first. For example, seq="1".
hold Boolean. The default value is 0. Specify hold="1" if you want this field or column to be held in a edit, view or browse session.
lzero Boolean. The default value is 0. Specify lzero="1" for numeric fields where the formatting is to include leading zeros
width Numeric. This specified an alternate display width for TABL formatting of the data.

For example, width="10" sets a display width of 10.

start dynamic Defines the start column for a field definition in a dynamic template.
length dynamic Defines the length for a field definition in a dynamic template
type dynamic Defines the type of field. See the types described for the dynamic template panel in this manual for a full description.
keyseq Integer. keyseq='nnnn'

Specify this value to provide a key sequence number used to define the composite key field for data set comparison.

db2ord Db2® Integer. db2ord='nnnn'

This is a sequence number for Db2® templates that indicates how to order the data based on the data values for the column, when the data is retrieved from Db2®.

db2AD Db2® Integer. Ascending or Descending indicator. (db2AD="A")

This is only valid when db2ord is specified and indicates whether the data retrieved from Db2® is to be in A(ascending) or D(descending) order.

ref Integer.

This is the field or column reference number and is used to identify the field.

Note: A field can also be identified by the name="field name". If this value is provided it takes precedence in identifying the field or column.
4 heading ALL Alternate heading
<heading>Myfield name</heading>
4 lenfld segmented Tells us that the associated parent symbol is a length field for determining the length of the actual segment. This element should only be provided once for any given layout.
excl Boolean. Default value is 0. Specify excl="1" to say the length of the segment is the length provided in this field plus the length of the field.

If not specified or 0 then the length of the segment is the length value provided in this field.

4 createN start ALL The default value is 0. Start="nnnn", where nnn is numeric.

Specifies the initial value you want a field to contain, before being adjusted by the increment you specify. The value must be a number that, when converted to the appropriate numeric data type, the field can hold, and, for a field with decimal places, must not specify more decimal integers than the number of decimal places in the field definition.

If you specify a negative number, the sign is honored, even if the field is unsigned.

If the field is a floating-point field, the start value can be specified as a floating-point number consisting of a mantissa and an exponent (such as -1.14579E01). The mantissa consists of an optional sign (+ or -) followed by 1 to 16 digits. The mantissa can also contain a decimal point. The exponent consists of the letter E, an optional sign (+ or -), and 1 or 2 digits.

end The default value is the largest positive or negative number the field can contain. end="nnnn"

Specifies the maximum value (if the increment is a positive number) or minimum value (if the increment is a negative number) you want a field to contain. See rules for start attribute in specifying the number.

inc The default value is 0. inc="nnnn"

Specifies a positive or negative number by which you want the value in the field adjusted for each record (or cycle of records). See rules for start attribute in specifying the number.

cycle The default value is 1. cycle="nnnn"

Specifies the number of output records that are to be generated before the increment value is applied to the field value. For example, if you specify a field start value of 100, an increment value of 10, and a cycle value of 3, the field in the first three records contains 100, 110 in next three records, 120 in the next three records, and so on.

If cycle is zero, the value in the field is always set to the start value.

4 createDT value Db2® createdt="dd/mm/yy etc"

Specify a date value to be used when creating a new row. The creation attribute is only used for those functions where FM/Db2 is to create rows, for example the create utility. You can specify a date value in the same format shown in the Format field. You can specify an = to indicate that the current date is to be used. When you specify this the current value is retrieved and replaces the = in the field. The value retrieved is a constant, so that if a create utility is run later, the same value is always used to populate the column.

You can specify * to indicate that the current date when the row is created should be used to populate the column. Specifying * indicates a variable value for the column when a create utility is run, since the value is the date on which the create utility is executed.

inc inc="nnnn"

Specify an increment value to be used when creating multiple rows. Valid values are integers. A value of 1 indicates that each subsequent row should have a date value one day later than the previous date value. A value of -1 indicates that each subsequent row should have a date value one day earlier than the previous date value.

4 createC ALL Use this to populate field with various patterns.
act Action. Specifies how the contents of the field are to be varied for each record. For more information. For example, act="FX". For details of each action, see Options for "act".
repeat The default is NO. repeat="YES"

Repeat user pattern. Specify YES if you have provided a user-supplied pattern that is shorter than this field and you want the pattern to be repeated as many times as necessary to fill the field. By default, File Manager uses the fill character to pad the receiving field when the user-supplied pattern is shorter than the field. This option has no effect when the RA action is specified.

IBM®-supplied patterns are always repeated in a field, as necessary.

5 filler ALL

Specifies a value that is to be placed in each byte of the field before any other operation in the construction of the field. Can be one of:

A character such as 0 to be written in each byte.
A hexadecimal value, such as X'FF' to be written in each byte.
5 start <start>cccc<start>

Start character

Sets the starting character to be used when you specify an IBM®-supplied pattern (AL, AN, or CO) or a user-supplied pattern (with the exception of RO, WV, and FX). The specified character must be one of the characters in the IBM®-supplied pattern or user-supplied pattern.

Default: First character in IBM®-supplied pattern or user-supplied pattern.

5 pattern <pattern>cccc<pattern>

Specifies the pattern to be used when generating data for this field. You can specify either an IBM®-supplied pattern indicator or a user-supplied pattern. The user-supplied pattern can be either a character string or a hexadecimal string. A character string must be enclosed in quotation marks, while a hexadecimal string must be enclosed in quotation marks and be preceded by a X. The hexadecimal string must contain an even number of valid hexadecimal characters. The IBM®-supplied patterns you can specify are:

Alphabetic - characters A-Z, inclusive.
Alphanumeric - characters A-Z, 0-9 inclusive.
Alphanumeric displayed in long hexadecimal.
Collating sequence - all printable characters in the range X'40' - X'F9'.

If you provide a user-supplied pattern that is longer than the field, for actions other than RA and RP the pattern is first truncated on the right to fit the receiving field before the specified action is performed. For the RA action, characters are randomly selected from the entire user-supplied pattern. For the RP action, the entire pattern is rippled for each record before it is truncated to fit the receiving field. If you provide a user-supplied pattern that is shorter than the field, you can specify that you want the pattern to be repeated to fill the field.

Default: None

4 scramble ALL Use the scramble element to specify all the scrambling type options for the associated parent symbol.
type For example, type="1" Scramble Type. Specify one of these values:
No scrambling is performed.

Value or range specifications are saved but ignored for the associated function.

1 (Random)
Performs random scrambling.

The same input value produces different output values on subsequent invocations.

2 (Repeatable)
Performs repeatable scrambling.

The same input value produces the same output value on subsequent invocations.

3 (Translate)
Performs translation.

The value data set is searched to find a matching input value. If a match is found, then the output value is taken from the output column of the matching record.

4 (Exit)
Invokes a scrambling user exit.
5 (ODPP)
If you set this value then you must provide the ODPP command using the ODPP attribute described below.
ODPP This is the Optim Data Privacy Provider command input area. Refer to the ODPP Syntax Guide for the command syntax.
5 translate incol incol="nnn"

Defines the start location of the input field value on the value data set, and is used when the translate process is run during a copy operation to match the input field with a value on the value data set. The length of the field is set to the length of the input field that is mapped to this field during the copy process.

outcol outcol="nnn"

Defines the start location of the output field value on the value data set, and is used as follows during a copy operation:

For scramble type Translate
If an input field value is matched on the value data set, then the corresponding output value is used.
For scramble types Random or Repeatable
The input value is used to randomly or repeatably select an output value from the value data set.

The length of the field is the current field length as displayed on this panel.

This value is required when you select the scramble type Translate. If you select Random or Repeatable, and also select Value, then the start location defaults to 1 if a value data set name (Dsn) has been provided.

dsn dsn="data set name"

Defines the value data set. It can be any catalogued sequential, partitioned or VSAM data set containing data that is used to determine the output field value during a copy process.

5 range This restricts scrambling values to a range of numbers between the min and max values provided on the attributes. You must provide a min and max value
min Minimum value. Must be less than the maximum value and greater than or equal to -2GB.
max Maximum value. Must be greater than the minimum value and less than or equal to 2GB
5 value outcol outcol="nnn"

Defines the start location of the output field value on the value data set, and is used as follows during a copy operation:

For scramble type Translate
If an input field value is matched on the value data set, then the corresponding output value is used.
For scramble types Random or Repeatable
The input value is used to randomly or repeatably select an output value from the value data set.
dsn dsn="data set name"

Defines the value data set. It can be any cataloged sequential, partitioned or VSAM data set containing data that is used to determine the output field value during a copy process.

6 sval <sval>field value</sval>

The values you provide are randomly or repeatably selected depending on your scrambling option to populate the output field during the scrambling operation. The field value must be valid data for the associated parent symbol.

5 exitprog name all Enter a 1 to 8 character valid load module member name to identify the scramble exit that is invoked during a copy operation for this output field. Any exit you provide must be in the form of a load module, in any load library available to File Manager at the time of the copy process, either by a STEPLIB DD statement, or in LINKLIST, or LPALIST.
parm You can specify a constant value that is passed to the exit for each call type by entering a non blank value in this field.
format Boolean. Default value is 0. Specify format="1" to format the field value passed to the exit as display numeric with leading zeros suppressed.
lzero Boolean. Default value is 0. Specify lzero="1" to format the field value passed to the exit as display numeric with leading zeros.