Using the foreground interface to import XML templates

Here is an example of importing using the File Manager Base component option 7.5.

  Process   Options   Help
 File Manager           Template Import Utility
 Command ===>                                                                  

 XML Input:
    Data set name . 'FMN.XML.EXAMPLE'                             
    Member  . . . .          (Blank or pattern for member list)

 Import Template:
    Data set name . 'FMN.IMP.NEW'                                 
    Member mask . .         

 Processing Options:
    Enter "/" to select option            Enter "/" to select option
       Batch execution                    /  Replace - No update
       Advanced member selection             Skip member list

Press Enter to display the member list.

  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager          XML Template Member Selection        Row 00001 of 00009
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 

 XML      data set FMN.XML.EXAMPLE                                              
 Template data set FMN.IMP.NEW                                                  
        Name     Prompt   Type Created    Updated             Lang   Ver Descr  
        *        *        *    *          *                   *      *   *      
        ABEND             BASE 2013/06/07 2013/06/07 10:29:55 COBOL  XML This   
 s      AODAO140          DYN                                 NONE   XML        
        CONVT1            DB2                                 NONE   XML        
        COPY01B           BASE 2012/12/01 2012/12/01 00:10:19 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1E              IMS  2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:50:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1ECR2           CRIT 2013/05/09 2013/05/10 13:39:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1EVW            VIEW 2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:51:00 COBOL  XML        
        EMPBASE           DB2  2012/09/19 2012/09/19 08:23:12 NONE   XML        
 s      TEST0102          BASE                                COBOL  XML        
 ****  End of data  ****                                                        

Running under the File Manager Base component, it is only possible to import dynamic and File Manager Base component templates.

  Process   Options   Help
  File Manager          XML Template Member Selection            Template saved
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 

 XML      data set FMN.XML.EXAMPLE                                              
 Template data set FMN.IMP.NEW                                                  
        Name     Prompt   Type Created    Updated             Lang   Ver Descr  
        *        *        *    *          *                   *      *   *      
        ABEND             BASE 2013/06/07 2013/06/07 10:29:55 COBOL  XML This   
        AODAO140 *ImpRepl DYN                                 NONE   XML        
        CONVT1            DB2                                 NONE   XML        
        COPY01B           BASE 2012/12/01 2012/12/01 00:10:19 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1E              IMS  2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:50:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1ECR2           CRIT 2013/05/09 2013/05/10 13:39:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1EVW            VIEW 2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:51:00 COBOL  XML        
        EMPBASE           DB2  2012/09/19 2012/09/19 08:23:12 NONE   XML        
        TEST0102 *ImpRepl BASE                                COBOL  XML        
 ****  End of data  ****                                                        

You can use the foreground utility to generate the batch JCL to run the import.