Using F4 from any edit or view session when positioned on a string or word

You can use the F4 function key from any ISPF edit or view session and take advantage of the features provided. This doesn't have to be associated with an enhanced search.

In the following screen we position the cursor on the word ZINREC and press F4:

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
 ─ ┌──────────────── ZINREC ─────────────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 V │  File Manager                           │              Columns 00001 00072
 C │  Edit/View   Utility    Template        │                 Scroll ===> CSR
 0 │ ─────────────────────────────────────   │
 0 │ Command ===>                            │
 0 │                                         │
 0 │ 1  View     View resource               │
 0 │ 2  Edit     Edit resource               │
 0 │ 3  Select   Select resource list        │
 0 │ 4  Dslist   ISPF data set list          │
 0 │ 5  Search   Nested search               │
 0 │ 6  All      Show all occurrences        │
 0 │ 7  First    Find first occurrence       │ TA),DISP=SHR
 0 │ 8  Prev     Find previous occurrence    │ 1))
 0 │ 9  Next     Find next occurrence        │ 1))
 0 │ 10 Last     Find last occurrence        │ CTED(PDDATA),DISP=SHR
 0 │ 11 Rsearch  Search the resource         │ 1))
 0 │ 12 PDSE2    Workbench                   │ 
 0 │ 13 Create   Allocate data set           │ 
 0 │                                         │ t TALLY register
 0 └─────────────────────────────────────────┘

The selection window is displayed with options that can be selected by number or cursor position and enter. The word or data set name is displayed in the window title. This may be truncated to fit the window, but will not be truncated in the selected process.

The command descriptions are as follows:
1 View
If the cursor is positioned on a valid File Manager resource name then an ISPF view session is invoked for the resource. File Manager is used for resources not supported by ISPF view.
2 Edit
If the cursor is positioned on a valid File Manager resource name then an ISPF edit session is invoked for the resource. File Manager is used for resources not supported by ISPF edit.
3 Select
If the cursor is positioned on a valid File Manager resource name then a File Manager selection list for matching resource names is produced and you can use the S prefix command to select one or more names that will be inserted at the current word start position replacing the current word. If you select more than one, these are inserted at the same start location on inserted lines.
Note: For HFS directories S selects and / displays nested directory entries.
4 Dslist
If the cursor is positioned on a valid data set name then an ISPF data set list is produced for data sets matching the name
5 Search
Perform a nested search for all occurrences of the word the cursor is currently positioned on.
Note: The data sets to be searched will be the active enhanced search resource list if you are editing or viewing as a result of an enhanced search command or the current data set if you are in a view or edit session..
This shows all records in the current view or edit session that contain the word the cursor is positioned on.
This finds the first occurrence of the word the cursor is positioned on.
This finds the previous occurrence of the word the cursor is positioned on.
This finds the next occurrence of the word the cursor is positioned on.
This finds the last occurrence of the word the cursor is positioned on.
11 RSearch
This displays the Enhanced Search Command panel with the DSNs field populated with the string name that you are positioned on.
12 PDSE2
This displays the PDSE Workbench member list display for the cursor positioned data set name.
13 This displays one of the following options:
Allocates a new data set when the cursor-positioned data set name does not exist.
Changes data set attributes when the cursor-positioned data set name is a non-VSAM data set. For example, resize or convert a PDS to a PDSE, PDSE to PDSE2, and vice versa.
Invoke the File Manager catalog services dialog when the cursor-positioned data set name is a VSAM data set.