Editor-assigned labels

Some labels are automatically assigned and maintained by the editor. These special labels begin with the letter “Z”. (Your own labels, therefore, must not start with a “Z”.) Unlike other labels, these editor-assigned labels do not necessarily stay with the same record, but instead represent logical positions on the display. You can use the following editor-assigned labels:

To the record on which the cursor is currently positioned.

To use this label:

  1. Type the command and labels on the Command line but do not press Enter.
  2. Position your cursor anywhere in the record that you want to use as the current position.
  3. Press Enter. All records that lie between your cursor position and the other label are included in the range, regardless of the order in the labels occur in the data set or in which you specify the labels.
To the first record (relative record number 1). This can be abbreviated to .ZF.
To the last record. This can be abbreviated to .ZL.
The following command changes the first occurrence of the string xxx in the range of records from the current cursor position to the end of data:

The following command finds the next record, excluded or not-excluded, containing the string xxx in the range of records from the current cursor position to the end of data: