Related ID expression panel

You use the Related ID expression panel to specify a related ID expression for a layout in a segmented template.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Related ID expression panel
  Process   Options   Help
 File Manager    Related Id expression for DETAIL-0101              Line 1 of 7

 -------- Criteria - Enter 0 to specify related ID expression by field --------
 0 Rid: #5='01'                                                               +
 Offset      0           Enter "/" to OR with related ID
 Cmd Seq SHE Ref  Field Name                          Picture  Type Start Length
                  ****  Top of data  ****
               1  1 HEADER-01                                   AN      1     20
               2   2 ALLGROUP                                   AN      1     20
               3    3 TYPE-FIELD                                AN      1      8
               4     4 TYPECONST                      X(6)      AN      1      6
               5     4 TYPEREC                        X(2)      AN      7      2
               6    3 HEADERTEXT                                AN      9     12
               7     4 HEAD01-TEXT                    X(12)     AN      9     12
                  ****  End of data  ****

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F5=RFind     F6=RunTemp
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
0 Rid
Used to specify the related ID expression.
Offset field - used to enter an offset value. An offset value is a negative or positive integer, between -32760 and +32760, that is added to the record length of the Level 01 field and to the starting position of all fields within the record type, shifting the layout left or right in relation to the records being processed. An offset value of 0 removes a previously supplied offset.
Enter "/" to OR with related ID
By default, identification criteria are ANDed with related ID criteria if both are specified. Select this option to OR the identification criteria with any specified related ID criteria.
Prefix command area - used to enter a template editor prefix command.
Sequence field - used to order fields for display in File Manager editor sessions and printing data via the File Manager Print utility. The default display/print order is "selected fields in field reference order".
Select/Hold/Create field - shows the field status:
The field has been selected for processing.
The field has been selected to be held on the edit display.
The field has been previously edited to add information such as data create, field headings, and scrambling options.
Field reference - shows the field reference number assigned by File Manager to the field name. Field reference numbers are assigned to all fields in a record, and are used to identify fields in identification or selection criteria expressions.
Key segment sequence. Shows the key segment sequence numbers used to define a multi-segment key field for data set comparison. The display of the Key column can be toggled on or off using the KEYFLDS command.
Field Name
Shows the level number and field name of the field, together with other attributes such as redefines, array sizes and depending on references. If the field is an array, the dimensions are shown in brackets after the field name. If the field has been selected for processing, the field name is highlighted.
Shows the picture clause for COBOL and for PL/I. Shows the length and scale (if non zero) for binary and packed fields. Also shows the bit length for bit fields.
An editable field in which you can enter or edit the data type of a field. This must be one of:
Alphanumeric displayed in long hexadecimal.
Bit string
DBCS string
Floating point (external)
Floating point (internal)
Graphic string
Packed decimal
Varying bit
Varying character
Varying DBCS
Varying graphic
Null-terminated varying-length(VARYINGZ) DBCS string
Unsupported zoned decimal edited
Varying character null terminated
Zoned decimal
Zoned decimal edited
Varying graphic null terminated
Shows the start column of the field. For variable located fields the start location is based on the maximum length of the record.
Shows the length of the field. For a level-01 field, if the record is variable length, the length shown is the maximum record length.

Available commands

The prefix commands that can be entered in the Cmd field are:

Displays the Field Attributes panel for this field. You can use the Field Attributes panel to specify the following:
  • For a numeric field, whether you want leading zero suppression when the field is displayed on the screen or printed using the SNGL or TABL display or print formats.
  • When you use the template to help generate test data, what data pattern File Manager should use for the field.
Set Hold status for a single field, if the field is already in Hold status the Hold status is removed.

In TABL display format, held fields always appear as the leftmost fields on the screen (in the order that you held them when editing the template). Held fields take priority, as far as the left-to-right display is concerned, over other fields.

In SNGL display format, held fields always appear as the topmost fields on the screen (in the order that you held them when editing the template). Held fields take priority, as far as the top-to-bottom display is concerned, over other fields.

Set Hold status for n fields, if any of the fields are already in Hold status, the Hold status is removed.
Select a block of fields to have the Hold status set. If any of the fields are already in Hold status, the Hold status is removed. Use the HH prefix command to mark the start and end of the block of fields.
Select a single field for processing or, if the field is already selected for processing, deselect it. If you select multiple fields for processing using the S prefix command, the fields are displayed in the order they appear in the template.
Select n fields for processing or, if any of the fields are already selected for processing, deselect them.
Select all fields from the current field to the end of the list for processing or, if any of the fields are already selected for processing, deselect them. If you want to exclude just a few fields, you can use S* to explicitly select all the fields in a fresh template, then use S to deselect the fields you want to exclude.
Select a block of fields for processing or, if any of the fields are already selected for processing, deselect them. Use the SS prefix command to mark the start and end of the block of fields.
Toggle between a display type of AN (character) and AX (long hexadecimal). This command has no effect on non-alphanumeric fields.
Perform the X command against all fields from the current field for n fields.
Perform the X command against all fields from the current field to the end of the list.
Perform the X command against a block of fields. Use the XX prefix command to mark the start and end of the block of fields.

The primary commands that are available on this panel are:

Parent panels

Child panels

Related tasks and examples