Selecting a field for specifying scrambling options
You select a field from the Field Selection/Edit panel. To select one or more fields for
specifying scrambling options, enter E
in the Cmd field adjacent to the
required fields. For each selected field, FM/IMS displays a
Field Attributes panel.
After you have updated the scrambling options for a field (or any of the other field attributes), when you return to the Field Selection/Edit panel you will see an "E" for that field in the E column (under the "SHE" heading) indicating that the attributes for that field have changed.
The scrambling options you can specify are:
- Scramble type
- Value option
- Value input column
- Value output column
- Minimum and maximum values for a numeric range
- Value data set name
The scrambling options determine how the input data is scrambled (if at all) when it is copied to an output dataset.