Selecting a display format

A display format is a way of arranging your data within the data area of an IMS data panel, to suit your browsing or editing needs. Display formats can be applied to data that has or has not been given a logical format via a template and view. Data that has not been formatted with a template can be shown in CHAR, HEX or LHEX display format (also called unformatted displays). Data that has been formatted with a template, can be shown in these formats, as well as in SNGL or TABL display formats (also called formatted displays).

In an unformatted display, bytes of segment data are displayed contiguously. Characters that cannot be displayed (for example, a packed decimal value) are represented by dots.

The segments are displayed one per line in hierarchical order, starting from the key specified on the Database Positioning or Key Specification panel. When a segment holds sufficient data, the display flows off the right of the panel. You can access the overflow by scrolling to the right.