Listing statistics for the current Browse or Edit session

To list statistics for the current Browse or Edit session, use the SEGSTATS primary command.

The SEGSTATS primary command shows (in a pop-up panel):
  • The number of segments in the current Edit or Browse session
  • The total data bytes
When a view has been used, the SEGSTATS primary command also shows:
  • The number of layouts
  • A list of layout names and the number of segments belonging to each layout
  • The number of segments not identified due to the record data not meeting identification criteria
  • The number of segments with the segment length being outside the related layout length
Example of statistics for an Edit session listed with the SEGSTATS command shows an example of statistics listed by the SEGSTATS command for an Edit session when a view has been used.
Figure 1. Example of statistics for an Edit session listed with the SEGSTATS command
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/IMS                        Edit : IMS Database DJ1E
                CHKPID FM000001 Autosave OFF SHOW SUP ON  Scope DB  Format TABL
 ┌─────────────────────────── File Manager Messages ───────────────────────────┐
 │                                                                             │
 │                                                                             │
 │ IBM File Manager for z/OS IMS Component                                     │
 │ Segment statistics                                                          │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Total segments                                                 :  190       │
 │ Total data bytes                                               :  2270      │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Segment SHIRE                                                  :  13        │
 │ Layout  SHIRE                                                  :  13        │
 │ Layout  SHIRE-TOWN                                             :  0         │
 │ Layout  SHIRE-CITY                                             :  0         │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Segment SHIRENP                                                :  11        │
 │ Layout  SHIRE-NON-PUBLIC                                       :  11        │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Segment LINKSUB                                                :  87        │
 │ Layout  SHIRE-SUBURB                                           :  87        │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Command ===>                                                   Scroll PAGE  │
 │  F1=Help        F2=Split       F3=Exit        F4=CRetriev    F7=Backward    │
 │  F8=Forward     F9=Swap       F10=Actions    F12=Cancel                     │

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