Zooming in to see all of a row

You can zoom in on a single row by pressing the Zoom function key (F2) or by using the ZOOM primary command.

In TABL display format, to display all data in a particular row without having to scroll left or right, move the cursor to the row, then press the Zoom function key (F2). FM/Db2 limits the display to just that row. In SNGL display format, just press the Zoom function key (F2).

If you zoom in on a row, only that row is displayed in zoomed SNGL display format. The zoomed display automatically scrolls to the field that was at the left of the panel, or, if applicable, the column where the cursor was positioned before zooming.

In zoomed SNGL display format, the word Zoom is displayed next to Format in the upper right corner of the panel as shown in Zooming in on one row (“zoomed” SNGL display format).

Figure 1. Zooming in on one row (“zoomed” SNGL display format)
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)                     Table Edit                           1 of 42
 TABLE FMNUSER.EMP                                             Zoom Format SNGL
                                     Top Column is 1    of 14    in Row 1
 Ref Key    Column     Type(len)        Data
 #1  PU     EMPNO      CH(6)            000050
 #2         FIRSTNME   VC(12)           JOHN<
 #3         MIDINIT    CH(1)            B
 #4         LASTNAME   VC(15)           GEYER<
 #5    NF   WORKDEPT   CH(3)            E01
 #6         PHONENO    CH(4)            6789
 #7         HIREDATE   DATE             08/17/1949
 #8         JOB        CH(8)            MANAGER
 #9         EDLEVEL    SMINT                16
 #10        SEX        CH(1)            M
 #11        BIRTHDATE  DATE             09/15/1925
 #12        SALARY     DEC(9,2)            40175.00
 #13        BONUS      DEC(9,2)              800.00
 #14        COMM       DEC(9,2)             3214.00
 ****  End of record  ****
 Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F12=Cancel

If you view a record in zoomed SNGL display format, FM/Db2 displays all columns, regardless of whether they were selected for display in the template. FM/Db2 displays the columns in the order defined in the template. Any template re-sequencing is ignored. In this display format, you cannot navigate between rows or use the TEDIT primary command.

In TABL or normal un-zoomed SNGL display format, File Manager only shows the columns selected for display in the template.

For instance, in the example shown in Zooming in on one row (“zoomed” SNGL display format), the columns WORKDEPT and BIRTHDATE are shown in zoomed SNGL display format, even though these columns happen to be deselected in the template. In un-zoomed SNGL display format, the same row is displayed:
  Process   Options   Help
FM/Db2 (DFG2)                     Table Edit                            1 of 42
TABLE FMNUSER.EMP                                                  Format SNGL
                                       Top Line is 1    of 12    in Row 1
Ref Rdf Key   Column    Type(len)   Data
#2            FIRSTNME  VC(12)      JOHN<
#3            MIDINIT   CH(1)       B
#4            LASTNAME  VC(15)      GEYER<
#6            PHONENO   CH(4)       6789
#7            HIREDATE  DATE        08/17/1949
#8            JOB       CH(8)       MANAGE
#9            EDLEVEL   SMINT           16
#10           SEX       CH(1)       M
#12           SALARY    DEC(9,2)       40175.00
#13           BONUS     DEC(9,2)         800.00
#14           COMM      DEC(9,2)        3214.00
****  End of record  ****

Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll PAGE
 F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
 F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Previous F11=Next     F12=Cancel

In un-zoomed SNGL display format, you can navigate between rows using the PREVIOUS and NEXT primary commands or the Previous function key (F10) and the Next function key (F11).

To return to the display format that was current before zooming in, enter the ZOOM primary command again, or the CANCEL, END, or EXIT command.

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