Displaying data in hexadecimal format

To display the data you are browsing or editing in hexadecimal format, use the HEX primary command.

For example, if your display looks something like this:
       NAME               CREATOR  TYPE   DBNAME   TSNAME     DBID   OBID
       #1                 #2       #3     #4       #5           #6     #7
       VARCHAR(18)        CH(8)    CH(1)  CH(8)    CH(8)     SMINT  SMINT
       <---+----1----+--> <---+--> -      <---+--> <---+--> <---+> <---+>
000000 ****  Top of data  ****
000001 SYSCOPY            SYSIBM   T      DSNDB06  SYSCOPY   00006  00046
000002 SYSFIELDS          SYSIBM   T      DSNDB06  SYSDBASE  00006  00021
then issuing the command HEX ON causes the hexadecimal representation to be displayed:
       NAME               CREATOR  TYPE   DBNAME   TSNAME     DBID   OBID
       #1                 #2       #3     #4       #5           #6     #7
       VARCHAR(18)        CH(8)    CH(1)  CH(8)    CH(8)     SMINT  SMINT
       <---+----1----+--> <---+--> -      <---+--> <---+--> <---+> <---+>
000000 ****  Top of data  ****
000001 SYSCOPY            SYSIBM   T      DSNDB06  SYSCOPY   00006  00046
       EEECDDE00000000000 EEECCD44 E      CEDCCFF4 EEECDDE4     00     02
       282367800000000000 28292400 3      42542060 28236780     06     0E

000002 SYSFIELDS          SYSIBM   T      DSNDB06  SYSDBASE  00006  00021
       EEECCCDCE000000000 EEECCD44 E      CEDCCFF4 EEECCCEC     00     01
       282695342000000000 28292400 3      42542060 28242125     06     05

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