Accessing source code in an LMS without SUBSYS interface

If your LMS does not provide a SUBSYS interface, you need to perform tasks #2, #3, #4, and #5, from Summary of steps for customizing File Manager to use LMS libraries, as described here.

  • Set the LMSUBSYS option to a blank (the IBM®-supplied default in FMN0POPT.)
  • Set the LMS option to USERLMS.
  • Ensure Language Environment® is available to File Manager, if you have not already done so.
    You can do this by one of the following methods:
    • Add the Language Environment® runtime library, SCEERUN, to your concatenated LINKLIST.
    • Place SCEERUN in the STEPLIB DD statement of the logon proc.
    • Your users can use the TSO command, TSOLIB, to add SCEERUN to the search list.
  • Code and link your own user exit, a load module named FMNCRAEX, into the File Manager load library. If you have installed File Manager in the default libraries this will be FMN.SFMNSAM1. You can access source code in multiple LMSs through a single FMNCRAEX exit.

If you are using an LMS without a SUBSYS interface, you cannot run File Manager APF-authorized.

Sample user code for FMNCRAEX, written in COBOL, is distributed in the File Manager sample library, FMN.SFMNSAM1. The following sections discuss the functions and requirements for FMNCRAEX. The library management system exit discusses the sample exit itself.