Capabilities provided by File Manager via FMNCRAEX

Your user exit, FMNCRAEX, will enable File Manager to provide the following capabilities:

  1. The ability to extract LMS files containing COBOL copybooks, PL/I include books and High Level Assembler copybooks. These files hold data definitions for File Manager template and view processing. File Manager template and view processing can be used by File Manager in the following situations:
    1. When browsing, viewing or editing a file or IMS database.
    2. When using certain File Manager utilities.
  2. The ability to select from a list of members contained in the LMS. In the process of selecting from a member selection list (MSL), you can also view the contents of members with the View or Browse command.
  3. The ability to support multiple LMSs through a single exit. For more information on writing your exit to support multiple LMSs, see Supporting multiple library management systems.