Converting the BATCH report output to a navigational report

The search report for a batch job can be found in the FMNFRPT DD. If you edit the report, you can convert the report to an Enhanced Search Report format by pressing F4 with the cursor positioned on the command line. This allows enhanced search navigation to nested view and edit sessions via the enter and F4 keys.
Note: Nested searches are restricted to the data sets that are referenced in the batch search report.
   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
 ─ ┌──────────────────────── Enhanced Search Command ────────────────────────┐ ─────────── 
   │ Command ===>                                                            │
 O │                                                                         │
   │ String:                                                                 │
 0 │ ISREDIT & LINE                                                       +  │ ONED
 1 │ String options         Columns                                          │ 06
 2 │   1 Prefix             From                                             │ 8
 3 │   2 Suffix             To                                               │
 4 │   3 Word                                                                │ LISH
 5 │                                                                         │
 6 │ Scope:                                                                  │ F
 7 │ Member. DEMO1          Edit                                             │ ONED
 9 │ DDnames                                                              +  │ 2
 1 │ DSNs .                                                               +  │ GSA
 1 │                                                                         │ F 7.1
 1 │ Options:                                                                │
 1 │ Enter "/" to select option                             ISPF Pack        │
 1 │   Directory    Drill     Result    Parmlib    Proclib    1. Asis        │
 S │   Batch        Jobcard   Edit                            2. Skip        │
   │  F1=Help       F2=Split      F3=Exit       F4=Expand       F7=Backward  │
   │  F8=Forward    F9=Swap       F10=Left      F11=Right       F12=Cancel   │
   └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ p
 F10=Actions  F12=retrieve 
Press Enter.
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 EDIT       DTORNEY.FMD2.SPFTEMP1.CNTL                      Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===> Sub                                              Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000001 //FMNEBATJ JOB SDF2,                                                    
 000002 //             ACCT,MSGCLASS=H,                                         
 000003 //             NOTIFY=&SYSUID,CLASS=A,                                    
 000004 //             MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                             
 000005 //*                                                                       
 000006 //FMBAT  EXEC PGM=FILEMGR                                                  
 000007 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                    
 000008 //FMNFRPT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                    
 000009 //SYSIN DD *                                                              
 000010 $$FILEM FCHM ,                                                            
 000011 $$FILEM DSNLIST=(FMN.EXEC,                                                
 000012 $$FILEM FMN.PANELS,                                                       
 000013 $$FILEM FMN.SKELS,                                                        
 000014 $$FILEM FMN.MSGS),                                                        
 000015 $$FILEM DRILL=NO                                                          
 000016 F ISREDIT & LINE WORD                                                     
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************   
F1=Help      F2=search    F3=Exit      F4=cnext     F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange      
F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=retrieve  
This example is JES2, so use SDSF to view the JOB output.
   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Search  Help                          
 SDSF HELD OUTPUT DISPLAY ALL CLASSES LINES 222         LINE 1-1 (1)            
 COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> CSR  
 NP   JOBNAME  JobID    Owner    Prty C ODisp Dest                 Tot-Rec  Tot-
 ?    FMNEBATJ JOB48740 DTORNEY   144 H HOLD  LOCAL                    222      
Press Enter and use the SE line command to edit the batch report DD FMNFRPT.
   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Search  Help                          
 SDSF JOB DATA SET DISPLAY - JOB FMNEBATJ (JOB48740)    LINE 1-5 (5)            
 COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> CSR  
 NP   DDNAME   StepName ProcStep DSID Owner    C Dest               Rec-Cnt Page
      SYSPRINT FMBAT              103 DTORNEY  H LOCAL                   31     
      JESYSMSG JES2                 4 DTORNEY  H LOCAL                   65     
      JESMSGLG JES2                 2 DTORNEY  H LOCAL                   26     
      JESJCL   JES2                 3 DTORNEY  H LOCAL                   21     
 se   FMNFRPT  FMBAT              102 DTORNEY  H LOCAL                   79     
Press Enter.
 SDSF EDIT    FMNEBATJ (JOB48740) FMNFRPT                   Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change            
 ==MSG>           your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.              
 000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000002 >Data Set: FMN.EXEC                                                     
 000003  >Member : ACCAPAR                                                      
 000004       147      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000005       198      ADDRESS ISREDIT 'LINE 'cline '= (curline)'               
 000006  >Member : ADDTEMP                                                      
 000007        46    address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string      
 000008  >Member : BCKAPAR                                                      
 000009       137      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000010       166    ADDRESS ISREDIT 'LINE 'cline '= (curline)'                 
 000011  >Member : BLDAPAR                                                      
 000012       137      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000013       189    ADDRESS ISREDIT 'LINE 'cline '= (curline)'                 
 000014  >Member : CRTAPAR                                                      
 000015        24  address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZFIRST = DATALINE' string       
 000016       161      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000017  >Member : DELETEIT                                                     
 000018        49    address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string      
 000019  >Member : DUPCHK                                                       

Place the cursor on the command line and press the F4 function.

Note: Check your current KEY settings and change them for SDSF because it might be under a different ISPF profile.
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 VIEW       Enhanced Search Report      Index BATCH            Report Converted 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000002 >Data Set: FMN.EXEC                                                     
 000003  >Member : ACCAPAR                                                      
 000004       147      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000005       198      ADDRESS ISREDIT 'LINE 'cline '= (curline)'               
 000006  >Member : ADDTEMP                                                      
 000007        46    address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string      
 000008  >Member : BCKAPAR                                                      
 000009       137      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000010       166    ADDRESS ISREDIT 'LINE 'cline '= (curline)'                 
 000011  >Member : BLDAPAR                                                      
 000012       137      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000013       189    ADDRESS ISREDIT 'LINE 'cline '= (curline)'                 
 000014  >Member : CRTAPAR                                                      
 000015        24  address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZFIRST = DATALINE' string       
 000016       161      address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string    
 000017  >Member : DELETEIT                                                     
 000018        49    address ISREDIT 'LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = DATALINE' string      
 000019  >Member : DUPCHK                                                       

The spool report was converted to an enhanced search report.