EXITS control statement
The EXITS control statement follows the same format as the Exits keyword for real-time analysis and reanalysis. The difference is that the exit points are for LISTHF, LISTHFDUP, DELETE, and IMPORT.
The exit is driven for every fault entry in the LISTHF or DELETE target data sets that match the specified selection qualifiers, and for the members found in the 'from' data set for IMPORT. In the case of LISTHFDUP, the exit is invoked for each instance of an abend (initial abend, normal duplicate, or a seperate CICSFast or ImageFast duplicate), or group of abends (CICSFast or ImageFast). The type of duplicate is provided in UTL.DUP_TYPE. In all cases, the UTL.PERFORM_ACTION flag is set to 'Y' by default, except when an IDIUTIL Delete user exit is called for a locked fault entry. In this case, when ENV.LOCK_FLAG is not blank, the UTL.PERFORM_ACTION flag is set to 'N' before passing control to the user exit.
The EXITS control statement remains in effect for any LISTHF, LISTHFDUP, DELETE, or IMPORT control statements that follow, or until a new EXITS control statement is encountered for this run of the utility. The effect of multiple EXITS control statements is not cumulative; the previous exits are cleared on encountering a new EXITS control statement. There are no initial user exits active at the start of IDIUTIL execution and the LISTHF, LISTHFDUP, DELETE, and IMPORT exit points are not recognized in or read from the configuration files used by Fault Analyzer real time analysis and reanalysis.
Deprecated options ACCOUNTING and NOACCOUNTING can still be specified, but are ignored.
A detailed description of each exit type is provided in Customizing Fault Analyzer by using user exits.
An example showing the use of the EXITS control statement is provided in Example 7. Importing history file entries.