By default, Fault Analyzer treats all unreferenced storage pages as invalid storage. This is done to reduce the size of minidumps and to avoid showing large amounts of storage in the report that the application never used. However, PL/I TEST option data might sometimes reside in unreferenced storage pages, which if treated as invalid, can prevent Fault Analyzer from providing complete formatting of the program's working storage.
Use the NoUnreferencedPagesValid option to treat all unreferenced storage pages as invalid storage. This is the default.
Use the UnreferencedPagesValid option to treat all unreferenced storage pages as valid storage.
This option is only applicable to real-time analysis. For all other modes of execution, it is ignored.
This option is only included in the section of the fault analysis report that shows options in effect if real-time analysis with UnreferencedPagesValid in effect.