User-options module IDICNFUM
To replace the installation-wide default options during real-time analysis, you can create a user-options module containing the names of one or more partitioned data sets and members, each containing Fault Analyzer options.
Fault Analyzer tries to open the data set members in the order of their specification. The first data set and member found to be available is used instead of the IDICNFxx parmlib member in the logical parmlib concatenation or in the alternative parmlib data set specified in the CNFDSN option of the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module.
The user-options module must be named IDICNFUM and must be a load module available via the standard MVS™ search path. If placed in a load library that is allocated to the JOBLIB DDname, this placement effectively provides job-level control of default options.
data set specification must be terminated by an X'00' byte. A second
X'00' byte must follow the last data set specification to indicate
the end of the list. If no data sets are specified, at least one
X'00' byte is required.- &SYSUID.
- The user ID that is associated with the abending job or CICS® transaction.
- The job name of the abending job.
- The program name on the EXEC statement in the abending job.
A job to create a sample user-options module is provided as member IDISCNFU in the softcopy samples data set.
(See IDITRACE under CICS for an alternative method of activating this trace under CICS®.)
The name of the selected user-options module data set and member is saved by Fault Analyzer in the history file and automatically reused as the default options file during reanalysis of the fault. For batch reanalysis, the data set and member is included in the generated JCL with the IDIBOPT DDname.