To select a CICS® system abend SVC dump or SYSMDUMP data set, first select the Analyze
MVS™ Dump Data Set option from the Fault Entry List display File menu (for
information about selecting this option in general, refer to Action-bar pull-down menus). This option brings up
the Analyze MVS Dump Data Set display as shown in Sample Analyze MVS Dump Data Set display. Figure 1. Sample Analyze MVS Dump Data Set display
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Analyze MVS Dump Data Set Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Enter the name of a MVS SVC or SYSMDUMP data set and press Enter to initiate a
performing analysis, issue the Exit (PF3) or Cancel (PF12) command.
Dump Data Set Name. . . . . : 'cics.dump1'
*** Bottom of data.
On this display, type the name of the SVC dump or SYSMDUMP data set containing the CICS®
system abend dump to be analyzed. The data set name-specification follows the ISPF data set name rules, that is, a data
set name that is not enclosed in single quotes is prefixed by the current TSO profile prefix. The data set specified is
checked for existence before being accepted. In this example, data set CICS.DUMP1 is being
The last data set name that is specified is stored in
the ISPF profile for your application ID and is used for initialization
of the display.
When the specified MVS™ dump data set name has been validated, the Fault AnalyzerCICS® system abend analysis
commences as indicated by the Analyzing MVS dump data set. Please wait... message being displayed (Recognizing that analysis has commenced). Figure 2. Recognizing that analysis has commenced
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IBM Fault Analyzer - Fault Entry List Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Fault History File or View : 'NWILKES.DEMO.HIST'
{The following line commands are available: ? (Query), V or S (View saved
report), I (Interactive reanalysis), B (Batch reanalysis), D (Delete), H
(Duplicate history), C (Copy fault entry), M (Move fault entry), X (XMIT fault
Fault IDJob/TranUser ID Sys/Job Abend Date Time
__ F00323 IDIVPCOB NWILKES MVS2 S0C7 2019/12/21 13:02:25
__ F00445 ALLANT01 JACKIED MVS8 S0C7 2019/12/19 03:29:57
__ F00442 ALLANT01 ALLANT MVS8 S0C7 2019/09/10 22:20:10
__ F00349 CS05 CICSUSER CSCB0050 ASRA 2019/08/23 07:47:23
__ F00348 CS04 CICSUSER CSCB0040 ASRA 2019/08/23 07:46:36
__ F00345 CS01 CICSUSER CSCB0010 AEIL 2019/08/23 07:43:35
__ F00050 PSTRANDR PSTRAND STPLEX4B S0C4 2019/08/02 17:03:18
__ F00035 CICS53 n/a MVS2 n/a 2019/04/05 14:49:11
__ F00034 CI ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ 3
__ F00294 DB │ Analyzing MVS dump data set. Please wait... │ 9
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