Pointing to listings with JCL DD statements

You can specify the following DD statements in the JCL if appropriate. If they are not specified, the definitions from the PARMLIB configuration member IDICNFxx, the IDIOPTS user options file, or an Analysis Control user exit are used to identify these data sets:
PDS or PDSE data set containing C compiler listings
PDS or PDSE data set containing COBOL compiler listings (other than OS/VS COBOL)
PDS or PDSE data set containing OS/VS COBOL compiler listings
PDS or PDSE data set containing COBOL or Enterprise PL/I SYSDEBUG, or XL C/C++ MDBG side files.
PDS or PDSE data set containing PL/I compiler listings (other than Enterprise PL/I)
PDS or PDSE data set containing Enterprise PL/I compiler listings
PDS or PDSE data set containing SYSADATA from Assembler compilations
PDS or PDSE data set containing LANGX side files for all languages

Do not specify a member name on any of the above DD statements. See Providing compiler listings or Fault Analyzer side files for further details on the use of these files.