Status pop-up display

During the interactive reanalysis that occur prior to the interactive reanalysis report being displayed, a status pop-up display, as the example below, might be presented.
Figure 1. Sample Interactive Reanalysis Status display
  File  Options  View  Services  Help
IBM Fault Analyzer - Fault Entry List                          Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

Fault History File or View  : 'NWILKES.HIST'

{The following line commands are available: ? (Query), V or S (View saved
report), I (Interactive reanalysis), B (Batch reanalysis), D (Delete), H
(Duplicate history), C (Copy fault entry), M (Move fault entry), X (XMIT fault

   Fault_ID Dups  Job/Tran User_ID  Sys/Job  Abend  Date       Time     MD_Pag
i   SW00341       RSHPAR2  B12128   SY2      S06F   2019/07/12 14:34:06
    SW00154       PG70688P PG7068   DEV      n/a    2019/07/07 13:00:56
    SW00137       PRGMN01 PST0123  SYSN     S0C4    2019/07/07 09:36:13
    S ┌──────────────────── Interactive Reanalysis Status ────────────────────┐
    S │                                                                       │
    S │  Current Function     : le_heap                                       │
    S │  Total Elapsed Time   : 11 Seconds                                    │
    S │  Total CPU Time       : 8.201 Seconds                                 │
    S │                                                                       │
 F1=H │  F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel                │
 F8=D └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

This display is presented the first time if more than 10 seconds have elapsed since the start of the interactive reanalysis, and is updated for each subsequent 10 seconds elapsed. Whereas the current function identified in the display represents a process that is internal to Fault Analyzer, it still serves as a possible indicator of loop conditions if the function identifier continually remains unchanged. Also, if the system on which the reanalysis is performed is short on CPU resources due to heavy load, the elapsed versus CPU time displayed might help to explain why the analysis appears to be slower than usual.

The Interactive Reanalysis Status display does not permit any user interaction and is removed automatically when the analysis is complete.