CTL - Analysis Control user exit parameter list

Table 1. CTL data area

This table has 6 columns and 2 header rows. In the first header row, the "Offsets" heading spans columns 1 and 2. The "Offsets" heading has 2 subheadings in the second header row: "Dec" in column 1 and "Hex" in column 2.

Offsets Type Access Len Name and description
Dec Hex

Parameter list version (currently 0002).


Exclude from analysis (Y/N). If this field is set to 'Y', no analysis of the current fault is performed, and no updates are made to the history file.

Only applicable to real-time processing and dump registration.


Detail option (S/M/L). Refer to Detail for information about this option.

Not applicable to interactive reanalysis.


DeferredReport option (Y/N). Refer to DeferredReport for information about this option.

Only applicable to real-time processing.


Number of extra source code lines or statements to be included in the real-time or batch reanalysis report ahead of, and after, the source line or statement that matches the CSECT offset (nnnn). The extra source lines or statements are included in the report detail section only.

The default is 0005.

Not applicable to interactive reanalysis.

8 (8) CHAR R/O 7 (Reserved)

RetainDump option. Refer to RetainDump for information about this option. (The format provided in this field is identical to that of the normal RetainDump option syntax, that is, "AUTO" or "ALL").

Only applicable to real-time processing.

28 (1C) CHAR R/O 44 (Reserved)

Include criterion. The last matching Include option criterion processed.

Fault Analyzer permits a buffered data format that is used if the length of the criterion exceeds the maximum size that can be contained in this field. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.

Only applicable to real-time processing.


Exclude criterion. The last matching Exclude option criterion processed.

Fault Analyzer permits a buffered data format that is used if the length of the criterion exceeds the maximum size that can be contained in this field. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.

Only applicable to real-time processing.

312 (138) CHAR R/O 5 (Reserved)

Source option (Y/N). Refer to Source for information about this option.

Only applicable to real-time processing.

318 (13E) CHAR R/O 6 (Reserved)

PrintInactiveCOBOL option (Y/N). Refer to PrintInactiveCOBOL for information about this option.

Not applicable to interactive reanalysis.

325 (145) CHAR R/O 51 (Reserved)

Field format and usage:

  • The following information is applicable to all IDI*_PRE, IDI*_JOB, and IDI*_CFG fields in this data area, with the exception of IDIJAVA_* fields:

    In each field, the data set names are provided left justified and blank padded on a 45-character boundary. Any unused space is set to all blanks.

    Fault Analyzer permits a buffered data format that can be used if the number of data sets exceed the maximum number that can be contained in this field. The buffer, when allocated by Fault Analyzer, is allocated large enough to hold an extra 25 data set names. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.

  • The following information is applicable to all IDI*_PRE fields in this data area:

    An Analysis Control user exit can choose to unallocate any of these data sets, or allocate extra ones. These fields contain the preallocated data set names, and are provided for information only. Changes to the data set names in this field are not acted upon by Fault Analyzer. Instead, Fault Analyzer redetermines the preallocated data sets using standard operating system interfaces.

  • The following information is applicable to all IDI*_JOB or IDI*_CFG fields in this data area:

    An Analysis Control user exit can add to, delete, or alter any or all of these data set names. Upon return from the exit, data set names must be separated by one or more blanks or commas, and can be aligned on any boundary. For these data set names, Fault Analyzer uses the returned list of names.

376 178 CHAR R/O 5400 IDIADATA_PRE

IDIADATA preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDIADATA DDname.

5776 (1690) CHAR R/W 5400 IDIADATA_JOB

IDIADATA data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDIADATA data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

11176 (2BA8) CHAR R/W 5400 IDIADATA_CFG

IDIADATA data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDIADATA data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

16576 (40C0) CHAR R/O 5400 IDILC_PRE

IDILC preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDILC DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

21976 (55D8) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILC_JOB

IDILC data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILC data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

27376 (6AF0) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILC_CFG

IDILC data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILC data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

32776 (8008) CHAR R/O 5400 IDILCOB_PRE

IDILCOB preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDILCOB DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

38176 (9520) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILCOB_JOB

IDILCOB data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILCOB data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

43576 (AA38) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILCOB_CFG

IDILCOB data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILCOB data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

48976 (BF50) CHAR R/O 5400 IDILCOBO_PRE

IDILCOBO preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDILCOBO DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

54376 (D468) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILCOBO_JOB

IDILCOBO data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILCOBO data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

59776 (E980) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILCOBO_CFG

IDILCOBO data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILCOBO data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

65176 (FE98) CHAR R/O 5400 IDILANGX_PRE

IDILANGX preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDILANGX DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

70576 (113B0) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILANGX_JOB

IDILANGX data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILANGX data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

75976 (128C8) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILANGX_CFG

IDILANGX data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILANGX data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

81376 (13DE0) CHAR R/O 5400 IDILPLI_PRE

IDILPLI preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDILPLI DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

86776 (152F8) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILPLI_JOB

IDILPLI data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILPLI data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

92176 (16810) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILPLI_CFG

IDILPLI data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILPLI data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

97576 (17D28) CHAR R/O 1024 (Reserved)
98600 (18128) CHAR R/O 5400 IDILPLIE_PRE

IDILPLIE preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDILPLIE DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

104000 (19640) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILPLIE_JOB

IDILPLIE data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILPLIE data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

109400 (1AB58) CHAR R/W 5400 IDILPLIE_CFG

IDILPLIE data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDILPLIE data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

114800 (1C070) CHAR R/W 256 LOCALE

Locale option locale name. Refer to Locale for information about this option.

115056 (1C170) CHAR R/W 1 FADATE

Locale option FADATE suboption (Y/N). Refer to Locale for information about this suboption.

115057 (1C171) CHAR R/O 5400 IDISYSDB_PRE

IDISYSDB preallocated data sets. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all data sets preallocated to the IDISYSDB DDname.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

120457 (1D689) CHAR R/W 5400 IDISYSDB_JOB

IDISYSDB data sets specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS). This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDISYSDB data sets specified via DataSets options in the user options file.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

125857 (1EBA1) CHAR R/W 5400 IDISYSDB_CFG

IDISYSDB data sets specified in IDICNFxx config member. This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDISYSDB data sets specified via DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

Refer to Field format and usage for more information.

131257 (200B9) CHAR R/W 56 IDITRACE
Use to start or stop IDITRACE tracing dynamically:
Start tracing to SYSOUT class x. If x is not specified, its default is '*'.
Start tracing to the specified data set name. The data set name must be fully qualified but not surrounded by single quotation marks. If the data set is a PDS or PDSE, a member name must be specified in parentheses.
Stop tracing.
131313 (200F1) CHAR R/O 5400 IDIJAVA_PRE

IDIJAVA preallocated path names.

This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all path names preallocated to the IDIJAVA DDname.

The path names are provided as a blank-delimited list. If a path name contains single quotation marks, commas, or blanks, the name will be surrounded by single quotation marks. Any single quotation marks within the path name will be doubled up.

Fault Analyzer permits the use of a buffered data format if the list of path names exceeds the maximum size that can be contained in this field. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.

An Analysis Control user exit can choose to deallocate any of these path names, or allocate extra ones. Changes to the path names in this field are not acted upon by Fault Analyzer. Instead, Fault Analyzer redetermines the preallocated path names using standard operating system interfaces.

136713 (21609) CHAR R/W 5400 IDIJAVA_JOB

IDIJAVA path names specified in the user options file (IDIOPTS).

This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDIJAVA path names specified through DataSets options in the user options file.

The path names are provided as a blank-delimited list. If a path name contains single quotation marks, commas, or blanks, the name will be surrounded by single quotation marks. Any single quotation marks within the path name will be doubled up. If an exit is providing a path name containing single quotes, commas, or blanks, then the exit must provide the path name surrounded by single quotation marks and with all single quotation marks within the path name doubled up.

Fault Analyzer permits the use of a buffered data format if the list of path names exceeds the maximum size that can be contained in this field. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.

An Analysis Control user exit can add to, delete, or alter any or all of these path names. Path names must be separated by one or more blanks or commas, and must protect single quotation marks as described above.

For these path names, Fault Analyzer uses the returned list of names.

142113 (22B21) CHAR R/W 5400 IDIJAVA_CFG

IDIJAVA path names specified in IDICNFxx config member.

This field is initialized by Fault Analyzer to contain all IDIJAVA path names specified through DataSets options in the IDICNFxx config member.

The path names are provided as a blank-delimited list. If a path name contains single quotation marks, commas, or blanks, the name will be surrounded by single quotation marks. Any single quotation marks within the path name will be doubled up. If an exit is providing a path name containing single quotes, commas, or blanks, then the exit must provide the path name surrounded by single quotation marks and with all single quotation marks within the path name doubled up.

Fault Analyzer permits the use of a buffered data format if the list of path names exceeds the maximum size that can be contained in this field. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.

An Analysis Control user exit can add to, delete, or alter any or all of these path names. Path names must be separated by one or more blanks or commas, and must protect single quotation marks as described above.

For these path names, Fault Analyzer uses the returned list of names.

147513 (24039) CHAR R/O 5400 STEPLIB

STEPLIB data set concatenation (or JOBLIB data set concatenation, if STEPLIB is not defined).

This is the concatenation as at the time of the abend, except for batch reanalysis, where it is the STEPLIB data sets for the reanalysis job.

The data set names are provided as a blank-delimited list.

Fault Analyzer permits the use of a buffered data format if the list of path names exceeds the maximum size that can be contained in this field. For details, see Non-REXX user exit buffered data format. The format of this field is transparent to users of REXX exits.