Using CFA from a CICS® terminal

To use the CFA transaction from a CICS® terminal, simply enter CFA. You can optionally pass a command parameter as described in Using CFA from an MVS console. The initial display is similar to the following:

Figure 1. Sample CFA transaction display
                   Fault Analyzer Control Transaction

Options: I=Install U=Uninstall
                  Current Status/Error Message
_ XPCABND         Installed
_ XDUREQ          Installed
_ LE Exit         Installed
_ SDUMP Screening Installed
_ XEIIN           Uninstalled

        Current    HWM  Setting    MWS
Active     0000   0000     0002
Waiting    0000   0000     0020   0123

IDITRACE OFF DeferredReport ON

PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Opts PF5=Clear FND Area PF9=IVP PF11=TRACE ENTER=Update

Initially, the display shows the current status of the CICS® Fault Analyzer exit points, plus details of any active and waiting Fault Analyzer tasks. By entering an I or U (for Install or Uninstall) next to a specific exit point, its status can be changed accordingly. If there is an active analysis task (as shown in the example above), then a CICS® TASK FORCEPURGE can be issued for that task by entering an F in the input field next to the active task details. This function is only possible if CICS® transaction isolation is INACTIVE, or if ACTIVE, that the IDIXFA program is defined to have an EXECKEY of CICS®.

PF9 can be used to display a list of IVP tests. For details, see Verifying Fault Analyzer customization under CICS.

The PF11 function is described in IDITRACE under CICS.

For help information about a specific CICS® exit, press PF1 on the main panel with the cursor on an exit selection field.

If pressing PF4, then the Fault Analyzer Exit Options display is shown. This display provides information about the current default options that are in effect for the CICS® region. An example of this display is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sample CFA Exit Options display
                       Fault Analyzer Exit Options

Description                            Option                Setting
Debug trace . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ZZDEBUG  . . . . . .  OFF
Suppress Msg: IDI0034I  . . . . . . .  QUIET(IDI0034I)  . .  OFF
              IDI0066I  . . . . . . .  QUIET(IDI0066I)  . .  OFF
              IDI0118W  . . . . . . .  QUIET(IDI0118W)  . .  OFF
Transaction Dump Table Check  . . . .  CICSDUMPTABLEEXCLUDE  OFF
  Check MAX and Current values. . . .  CheckMaxCurr          OFF
Retain CICS dumps . . . . . . . . . .  RETAINCICSDUMP . . .  AUTO
  Suppress dumps from EXEC CICS DUMP.  IncludeExecCicsDump   NO
Fast duplicate minutes  . . . . . . .  NODUP  . . . . . . .  00000
  Include EXEC CICS DUMP. . . . . . .  IECD . . . . . . . .  ON
Use signed-on user for analysis . . .  CICSTRANANALYSISUSER  NO


These options are updated each time a new fault entry is created to reflect the values that are in effect via the IDIOPTS DD statement or IDICNFxx parmlib member.