Batch reanalysis options

Many of the general options specified for an installation are also applicable to batch reanalysis. See Options for information about all available options and the different ways in which they can be specified.

Some of the options that you might want to consider using to control the batch reanalysis report are:

Specify this option if you want to adjust the level of detail given in the batch reanalysis report. See Detail for more detail.
The PrintInactiveCOBOL option can be used to request that storage for inactive COBOL programs (programs that are not in the current save-area chain) is included in the reanalysis report.
To specify batch reanalysis options that apply to your batch jobs only, select Batch Reanalysis Options from the Options menu on the Fault Entry List display (for general information about menu options, refer to Action-bar pull-down menus). This opens the Batch Reanalysis Options display as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample Batch Reanalysis Options display
  File  View  Services  Help
Batch Reanalysis Options                                       Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Press PF3 to save options or PF12 to cancel.

General Options:
  Options line for batch
    reanalysis. . . . . . . : Detail(Long)                                  
  Reanalysis report                                                            
    destination . . . . . . :                                             
  Redisplay this panel
    before each reanalysis. : N (Y/N)
  Display panel to edit
    generated JCL . . . . . : N (Y/N)
  Job card style. . . . . . : P (P=Parameters, S=Statements)

Job Card Parameters:
  Job name suffix . . . . . : A (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $)
  Job class . . . . . . . . : A (A-Z or 0-9)
  Job notify. . . . . . . . : Y (Y/N)
  Job time minutes. . . . . : 10 (0-99)
  Message class . . . . . . : X (A-Z or 0-9)
  Region megabytes. . . . . : 0    (0-2047)
  Accounting info . . . . . :                                                 

Reanalysis Options Data Set Control:
  Options data set name . . :                                               
  Options member name . . . :          (If PDS or PDSE)
  Use this data set during
    reanalysis. . . . . . . : N (Y/N)
  Edit the options data set
    before reanalysis . . . : N (Y/N)

*** Bottom of data.
 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up        F8=Down
F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
The following can be specified using this display:
Options line for batch reanalysis
Options that apply to all batch reanalysis jobs that you submit can be specified here. These options, which are used in the PARM field of the generated batch reanalysis job, take precedence over any options that are specified through an options file (see Options data set name below).

The option Detail(Long) is shown as an example on the options line in Figure 1.

If you need to specify more options than fit on this line, then use one of the options Display panel to edit generated JCL or Edit the options data set before reanalysis instead (both are explained in the following).

Options that are specified on the options line are saved in the user profile.

Reanalysis report destination
An optional specification of the reanalysis report destination. The specified option must be correct for adding to a DEST parameter on the generated SYSPRINT DD statement used for the report.
Redisplay this panel before each reanalysis
If this option is set to Y, then the Batch Reanalysis Options display is shown each time a batch reanalysis is requested, prior to generating the JCL stream.

Make your changes. Then press PF3 (to continue with the current options) or PF12 (to undo any changes made). What happens next depends on the Display panel to edit generated JCL option below.

If this option is set to N, then the Batch Reanalysis Options display is not shown.

Display panel to edit generated JCL
If this option is set to Y, then you are presented with an ISPF EDIT display screen of the JCL stream generated by Fault Analyzer as the example shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sample batch reanalysis JCL stream EDIT
  File  Edit  Confirm  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
EDIT       IBMUSER.SPFTEMP1.CNTL                           Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000004 // PARM=('/FAULTID(F16263)',
000005 //      )
****** ******************************** Bottom of Data ************************

Make your changes. Then issue the SUBMIT command to execute the job. Then enter the EXIT (PF3) or CANCEL (PF12) command to return to the Fault Entry List display.

For more information about the use of this option, see Data sets used for batch reanalysis.

If this option is set to N, then the generated JCL stream is submitted automatically without first displaying the JCL EDIT screen.

Job card style
A single character (P or S) that controls the style of job card specification that follows:
  • If P is specified (the default), then a Job Card Parameters section, as shown in Figure 1 follows the General Options section after the Enter key is pressed.
  • If S is specified, then a Job Card Statements section follows the General Options section after the Enter key is pressed.

    This would alter the display from that shown in Figure 1 to the following:

Figure 3. Sample Batch Reanalysis Options display
  File  View  Services  Help
Batch Reanalysis Options                                       Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Press PF3 to save options or PF12 to cancel.

General Options:
  Options line for batch
    reanalysis. . . . . . . :                                                 
  Reanalysis report
    destination . . . . . . :                                            
  Redisplay this panel
    before each reanalysis. : N (Y/N)
  Display panel to edit
    generated JCL . . . . . : N (Y/N)
  Job card style. . . . . . : S (P=Parameters, S=Statements)

Job Card Statements:
Reanalysis Options Data Set Control:
  Options data set name . . :                                               
  Options member name . . . :          (If PDS or PDSE)
  Use this data set during
    reanalysis. . . . . . . : N (Y/N)
  Edit the options data set
    before reanalysis . . . : N (Y/N)

*** Bottom of data.
 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up        F8=Down
F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

Whichever style of job card specification is selected with this option determines the method used when generating the job card for all batch reanalysis jobs.

Job name suffix
This suffix is the character that is appended to your user ID to form the job name that is used for the generated batch reanalysis JCL stream. The default is A.

If the user ID is eight characters in length, it is truncated to seven characters before the suffix is appended.

Job class
This job class is the job class that is used on the CLASS parameter of the generated JOB card. The default is A.
Job notify
If this field is set to Y, then a NOTIFY=userid parameter is added to the generated JOB card. If it is set to N, then no NOTIFY parameter is added. The default is Y.
Job time minutes
This value is the number of minutes that are used on the TIME parameter of the JOB card. The valid range is 1 - 30. The default is 10.
Message class
This class is the message class that is used on the MSGCLASS parameter of the generated JOB card. The default is X.
Region megabytes
This value is the value that is used on the REGION parameter of the generated JOB card. The valid range is 0 - 2047. The default is 0.
Accounting info
Anything specified in this field is used as accounting information on the generated JOB card. The default is not to provide any accounting info.
Options data set name
This field can optionally specify the name of a PDS or PDSE data set in which a member (see Options member name) contains Fault Analyzer options. The data set and member name are used as the IDIOPTS user options file. This data set can, for example, be used if more options than fit on the options line at the top of this display are required.
  1. The options data set is only used if the Use this data set during reanalysis option is set to Y.
  2. Options that are specified on the options line take precedence over options specified in this data set.
Options member name
This name is the member name of the data set specified in Options data set name.
Use this data set during reanalysis
If this option is set to Y, then the data set and member name specified above are used by Fault Analyzer during the batch reanalysis. If it is set to N, then the data set and member name are not used.
Edit the options data set before reanalysis
If this field is set to Y, then an ISPF EDIT display screen of the member in the options data set specified above is presented prior to generating the batch reanalysis JCL stream. An example is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Sample options file EDIT for batch reanalysis
  File  Edit  Confirm  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
EDIT       MY.OPTIONS(SAMPCNF) - 01.02                     Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000001 detail(l)
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

 F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Return    F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange
 F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

Change the options data set (if you wish). Then enter the EXIT command (usually mapped to PF3).