Selected history files

This display is shown when selecting one or more history files from the IDIS Subsystem Managed History Files or IDIS Subsystem Excluded History Files display.

IDIS Subsystem Selected History Files                       Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

 Line commands: R (Reset), X (Exclude). Press Enter to refresh.

    History File Name                            Status 
 __ CTEST.DAIOSMVS.DCAT                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DAIPPMVS.DCAT                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DAI3AMVS.DCAT                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DAI3PMVS.DCAT                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DALEXASM.FAX1                          Excluded
 __ CTEST.DALEXCBE.FAX1                          Excluded
 __ CTEST.DALEXIFP.FAX1                          Excluded
 __ CTEST.DALEXILC.FAX1                          Excluded
 __ CTEST.DALEXPLI.FAX2                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DANLEASM.FAX2                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DANLECBL.FAX2                          Managed
 __ CTEST.DANLEPLI.FAX2                          Managed
 **  Bottom of data.
  F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=RptFind  F7=Up       F8=Down    F12=Cancel

The current status of each history file is shown as one of the following:

The history file is currently managed by the IDIS subsystem.
The history file is currently excluded by the IDIS subsystem.
The history file is currently neither managed nor excluded by the IDIS subsystem.

You can change the status of selected history files, for example to make the IDIS subsystem stop managing history files for the purpose of reallocation or other activity that requires exclusive access.

Sorting and filtering the list of history files

The list of history files can be sorted or reduced by placing the cursor on the History File Name heading and pressing Enter. This brings up the Column Attributes display, from which the sort order can be selected, or filtering criteria can be entered using * and % characters as wildcards:

  • An asterisk (*) can be specified to indicate zero, one, or more characters.
  • A percent sign (%) can be specified to indicate a single character only.

Another method of filtering is to overtype characters in the list, including the above wildcards, and press Enter. For example, given the following list of history files:


In the history file HIST.DEPB.PROD, replace the last qualifier with an asterisk:


After pressing Enter, only the matching history file names are displayed:


To redisplay the complete list in the original sort order, enter RESET on the primary command line.

Press Enter to refresh the list of IDIS subsystem managed history files.

Press PF3 to return to the IDIS Subsystem Information display.

Line commands

Two line commands are available to change the status of selected history files:

Reset. If the current status is Managed or Excluded, entering the R line command will result in the status n/a, indicating that the history file is neither managed, nor excluded, by the IDIS subsystem.

If the current status is n/a, the R line command is ignored.

Exclude. If the current status is Managed or n/a, entering the X line command will result in the status Excluded, indicating that the history file is excluded by the IDIS subsystem.

If the current status is Excluded, the X line command is ignored.