Viewing fault entry information
The history file is displayed with one line of information per entry. Therefore, not all information pertaining to a fault can be displayed simultaneously.
To view more information, enter the ? line command against the entry on the Fault Entry List display. From within the interactive reanalysis report, the same can be accomplished by either issuing the INFO command (see INFO) or by selecting Fault Entry Information from the action-bar File pull-down menu (see Action-bar pull-down menus).
File View Services Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Fault Entry Information Line 1 Col 1 80 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR Fault ID. . . . . . . . . . : BAT00009 User Name . . . . . . . . . : User Title. . . . . . . . . : Lock Flag . . . . . . . . . : (Not locked) Lock/Unlock User ID . . . . : Abend Code. . . . . . . . . : S0C4 POF Module Name . . . . . . : IBMBLIIA POF Program Name. . . . . . : IBMBLII1 POF Offset. . . . . . . . . : 96C Abend Date. . . . . . . . . : 2019/09/22 Abend Time. . . . . . . . . : 15:03:02 Job Name. . . . . . . . . . : PLI23 Job ID. . . . . . . . . . . : JOB30836 Job Execution Class . . . . : A Job Type. . . . . . . . . . : Batch Job Step Name . . . . . . . : GO EXEC Program Name . . . . . : @960IDI User ID . . . . . . . . . . : RTURNER System Name . . . . . . . . : FAE1 Application ID. . . . . . . : n/a CICS Transaction ID . . . . : n/a CICS Task Number. . . . . . : n/a CICS Terminal ID. . . . . . : n/a CICS Terminal Netname . . . : n/a IMS Program Name. . . . . . : n/a Accounting Information. . . : n/a Duplicate Count . . . . . . : 2 Minidump Pages. . . . . . . : 60 History File Data Set Name. : DA.DCAT Java DTFJ processing status : Started 2019/10/22 17:55:03 MVS Dump Data Set Name. . . : n/a MVS Dump Status . . . . . . : Not found *** Bottom of data. F1=Help F3=Exit F5=RptFind F6=Actions F7=Up F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right F12=retrieve
Depending on screen size, it might be necessary to scroll down to see all information.
- Fault ID
- The ID of the fault entry selected.
- User Name
- A user-maintained input/output field that might contain, for example, the name, or ID, of the person to whom the fault is assigned. To change the contents of this field, remember to press the Enter key prior to returning with PF3. The initial content of this field can be provided via IDISNAP.
- User Title
- A user-maintained input/output field that is intended to contain a short description of the fault. If this field is used, then it is displayed at the top of any batch reanalysis report, and at the top of the first display of the interactive reanalysis report. To change the contents of this field, remember to press the Enter key prior to returning with PF3.
- Lock Flag
- A user-maintained input/output field that provides a mechanism
to prevent accidental deletion of the fault entry.
If this field contains a numeric value 0 - 99, then fault entry expiration control is active. The specified value is the number of days that the fault entry remains locked, following its creation. The time of the day is not considered. If, for example, a value of 1 is specified when the fault entry is created, it is unlocked at midnight on the same day. It follows that a value of 0 means that the fault entry is not locked.
If fault entry expiration control is active, but has not yet expired, or if setting this flag to any other non-blank character, then the following is not performed against the fault entry:- IDIUTIL DELETE processing (for details,
see DELETE control statement). Note: The default is to not delete the fault entry, but this default can be overridden by using an IDIUTIL user exit (for details, see IDIUTIL Delete user exit).
- Deletion from the ISPF interface Fault Entry List display, using the 'D' or 'DD' line commands (for details, see Deleting history file entries).
- Automatic deletion due to the maximum number of fault entries for a history file having been reached, and the fault entry which is locked is the oldest fault entry in the history file. In this case, the search for a fault entry to delete continues in chronological order until the oldest fault entry that is not locked has been located.
Any printable character can be entered for this field:- If a non-printable character is entered, then it is changed to a '/'.
- If a lowercase character is entered, then it is translated to uppercase.
The current lock status is shown following the lock flag, and is updated if pressing the Enter key after changing it's value.
The lock flag can also be modified by:- Any user exit, by changing the value in the ENV.LOCK_FLAG field. See ENV - Common exit environment information.
- The optional IDIXLOCK exit. See Controlling fault entry lock flag values.
- IDIUTIL DELETE processing (for details,
see DELETE control statement).
- Lock/Unlock User ID
- Identifies the user ID who last changed the Lock Flag setting.
- Abend Code
- The initial (if more than one) abend code.
For a fault entry created using IDISNAP, the abend code is shown as "SNAP".
- POF Module Name
- The point-of-failure module name.
- POF Program Name
- The point-of-failure program name.
- POF Offset
- The point-of-failure offset.
- Abend Date
- The date when the abend occurred.
- Abend Time
- The time when the abend occurred.
- Job Name
- The name of the batch job, started task, or TSO user ID that caused the entry to be written.
- Job ID
- The JES ID of the abending job.
- Job Execution Class
- The JES execution class of the abending job.
- Job Type
- The abending job type.
- Job Step Name
- The name of the job step that caused the entry to be written.
- EXEC Program Name
- The program name that is specified on the JCL EXEC statement of the abending job step.
- User ID
- The user ID associated with the abending job.
- System Name
- The system name on which the abend occurred.
- CICS® Transaction ID
- If a CICS® transaction fault, the ID of the CICS® transaction that caused the entry to be written.
- CICS® Task Number
- If a CICS® transaction fault, the task number that caused the entry to be written.
- CICS® Terminal ID
- If a CICS® transaction fault, the CICS® terminal ID.
- CICS® Terminal Netname
- If a CICS® transaction fault, the CICS® terminal netname.
- IMS™ Program Name
- IMS™ program name.
- Accounting Information
- Job accounting information.
- Duplicate Count
- The number of duplicate
faults that have occurred, using the same fault history file, since
the recording of this fault. Note: This value might not always include all duplicate faults that have occurred as it is maintained in the volatile history file cache only for performance reasons.
If a non-zero value is displayed, and duplicate details are available for the fault, then the value becomes a point-and-shoot field, which can be selected by placing the cursor on it, and pressing Enter. This selection results in the Fault Entry Duplicate History display being shown (for details, see Viewing the fault entry duplicate history).
- Minidump Pages
- The number of minidump pages written to the history file for this fault.
- History File Data Set Name
- The name of the history file data set containing the viewed fault entry.
- Java™ DTFJ Processing Status
- For a fault entry for which Java™ activity
was detected, this field shows the status of the asynchronous Java™ DTFJ processing as one of the
- Dump error
- Pending
- Started date time
- Finished, elapsed seconds seconds
- MVS™ Dump Data Set Name
- The associated dump data set name, if any.
- MVS™ Dump Status
- The MVS™ dump data set status.
The MVS™ dump data set status field shows you information about the dump that can be associated with the current fault. Possible values of this field are:
- Available
- An MVS dump data set is associated with the fault entry and the data set exists.
- Not found
- An MVS dump data set was associated with the fault entry but the data set no longer exists.
When you exit from the Fault Entry Information display, after you have changed either of the user-managed fields, a prompt is displayed to confirm that you want to update the fault entry with the new information. To update the fault entry, press Enter. Otherwise, to prevent updating the fault entry, press PF3 or PF12.