Fault entry list column configuration
The fault information that is shown on the Fault Entry List display is determined by the HistCols option in effect. If no HistCols option is used, the default is as illustrated in Sample Fault Entry List display.
File View Services Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Fault Entry List Column Configuration Line 1 Col 1 80 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR Current Fault Entry List Column Configuration (Sample Data): Fault ID Job/Tran User ID Sys/Job Abend Date Time F00249 IDIVPCOB FRED MVSA S0C7 2019/11/22 15:29:03 Column Configuration Settings: {Below, you may change your Fault Entry List display column configuration. To make a column visible, or to change its relative display position, enter a non-zero positive value in the Order column; to hide a column, enter 0. The resulting column configuration is shown above.} Order Column 1 Fault_ID 2 Job/Tran 3 User_ID ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ 4 Sys/Job │ Default column configuration used │ ❶ F1=Help F3=Sa └───────────────────────────────────┘ F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
- The first is the Current Fault Entry List Column Configuration section, which shows the current column configuration with headings and sample data. This section permits you to see which of the selected columns are visible on the Fault Entry List display without first needing to scroll the display horizontally.
- The second is the Column Configuration Settings section, which
permits you to modify the columns used in the Fault Entry List display.
To make a column visible, or to change its relative display position, enter a non-zero positive value in the Order column; to hide a column, enter 0.
After pressing Enter, the resulting column configuration is shown in the current fault entry list column configuration section.
The Fault_ID column cannot be hidden. If it is not given a specific display position, then it defaults to being the first column.
- Default column configuration used
This value indicates that a history file, or a view without a valid -HistCols specification, is selected from the Fault Entry List display, and no changes to the default configuration has been saved in the user's ISPF profile. The default column configuration is determined by the FAISPFopts(HistCols(...)) option in effect.
If changes are made to this configuration, then they are saved in the user's ISPF profile as the general column configuration.
Entering the RESET command (PF4) has no effect.
- General column configuration read from user profile
This value indicates that a history file, or a view without a valid -HistCols specification, is selected from the Fault Entry List display, and a general column configuration exists in the user's ISPF profile.
If changes are made to this configuration, then it replaces the general configuration in the user's ISPF profile.
By entering the RESET command (PF4), the column configuration is reset to the default configuration.
- Column configuration read from view member member-name
This value indicates that a view with a valid -HistCols specification is selected from the Fault Entry List display, and no changes to this configuration has been saved in the user's ISPF profile.
If changes are made to this configuration, then they are saved in the user's ISPF profile as a view-specific column configuration.
Entering the RESET command (PF4) has no effect.
- Specific column configuration for view member-name read from user
This value indicates that a view with a valid -HistCols specification is selected from the Fault Entry List display, and a view-specific column configuration exists in the user's ISPF profile.
If changes are made to this configuration, then it replaces the view-specific configuration in the user's ISPF profile.
By entering the RESET command (PF4), the column configuration is reset to the -HistCols specification in the view.
The SAVE command (PF3) is used to save the current column configuration in the ISPF profile and return to the Fault Entry List display with the new configuration active. All subsequent interactive Fault Analyzer sessions use this configuration until it is changed by a subsequent modification, reset to the default using the RESET command, or the ISPF profile is deleted.
The CANCEL command (PF12) can be used to return from the Fault Entry List Column Configuration display without saving any changes made.