Ignoring IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components options (NOIPVOPT)

When an installation does not provide users with general READ access to the system parmlib concatenation, and either:
  • IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS (ADFz) Common Components is not installed
  • The ADFz Common Components parmlib member IPVCNF00 is not configured
security server access violations can occur when Fault Analyzer attempts to process the IPVCNF00 parmlib member.

Set the NOIPVOPT option to 1 in the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module to prevent Fault Analyzer from attempting to find the IPVOPTLM configuration-options module or process the IPVCNF00 parmlib member.

For information about the IPVOPTLM configuration-options module and the IPVCNF00 parmlib member, see IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components: Customization Guide and User Guide.