Naming compiler listings or side files

Store compiler listings or side files in sequential data sets, or as members of PDS or PDSE data sets.

When you store a compiler listing or side file in a PDS or PDSE data set, the member name to use depends on the application programming language:
  • For Assembler single-CSECT programs (that is, one CSECT in each assembly), use the CSECT name or the load module name. Using the CSECT name is preferable to using the load module name, as there is less overhead in locating the member. Also, the load module name should not be used if the assembler CSECT is only a subroutine.
  • For Assembler multi-CSECT programs (that is, more than one CSECT in each assembly), use the load module name.
  • For COBOL programs, use the name of your application program.
  • For PL/I programs, use the primary entry point name or CSECT name of your application program.
  • For z/OS XL C and C++ programs, use the CSECT name of your application program.

If you store with any other name, then Fault Analyzer is unable to find the compiler listing or side file.

If compiler listings or side files are stored in sequential data sets, and the data set names follow a convention that permits the program name to be part of the data set name, then the specification of these data sets in the DataSets option can be done easily using variable substitution, as described in DataSets option data set name substitution symbols.