Using the XFACILIT resource class for TDUMP RFR data sets
To set up the XFACILIT resource class for Fault Analyzer TDUMP recovery fault recording data sets, the high-level qualifier must initially be determined.
The names of the recovery fault recording data sets created are determined by the IDIRFRDS CSECT. Fault Analyzer provides the default name prefix IDIRFRHQ.TDUMP.*, which can be changed. For details, see Changing the default recovery fault recording IEATDUMP data set name (RFRDSN).
hlq is the recovery fault recording data set high-level qualifier.If the high-level qualifier includes a symbol name such as TDUMP&SYSCLONE., then it might be necessary to set up more than one profile, depending on the expected symbol substitution values.
Having defined the XFACILIT profile (or profiles, if more than one due to symbol substitution), then provide the appropriate level ALTER or NONE for the users concerned. If the user's access level to the XFACILIT class is ALTER, then through Fault Analyzer, the user implicitly has TDUMP create capability to the data set whose high-level qualifier, after any symbol substitution, matches the XFACILIT profile name hlq value.
General access of ALTER to an XFACILIT profile does not override any normal data set profile protecting a recovery fault recording data set. It only permits the necessary access authorization to the linked TDUMP data set when performing actions through Fault Analyzer, such as reading it during reanalysis, or deleting it when the associated fault entry is deleted.
- You have ALTER access to the appropriate XFACILIT IDIRFR_TDUMP_HLQ profile.
- You have ALTER access to the TDUMP data set profile.
- If you are doing problem analysis and have read- or delete-access to a fault entry.
- If the fault entry has a TDUMP linked to it (the fault entry was created by a recovery fault recording exception).