Obtaining load modules from CA-Panexec

Fault Analyzer provides the ability for users to install an exit to obtain CSECT information for load modules that are managed by CA-Panexec. Normally, when load modules are managed by CA-Panexec, customers will see IEW2717S and IEW2718S I/O errors as the IBM® Binder program attempts to include the load module from the CA-Panexec-managed library. As a result, Fault Analyzer might not be able to provide source line information for the point of failure.

The function of the CA-Panexec exit is to copy the load module from the CA-Panexec-managed data set to a temporary data set in normal load module format which the Binder can use.

To install an exit for this purpose, the IDILMODX CSECT in module IDIDA, which consists of 8 bytes that are normally blank, can be zapped by the customer to provide the name of a load module that is to be called before Binder INCLUDE processing. The load module named in IDILMODX should be accessible via an MVS LOAD macro.

The IDILMODX-named exit is passed a parameter list in register 1, addressing two pointers to two 8-byte fields. The first field contains the name of the load module to be examined (the load module the Binder includes to extract CSECT data), while the second 8-byte field is a DD name, or blank. If the DD name is not blank it means that this DD is intended to be used for the Binder in searching for the load module name. Fault Analyzer normally only sets the DD name field to DFHRPL when running under CICS®. On most other occasions, the DD name is blank, indicating Fault Analyzer leaves it to the Binder to locate the data set from which the module should be read. The blank DD contains X'00'. The IDILMODX-named exit is permitted to update the second parameter to a new DD name from which the Binder should read the module, or to leave the DD name unchanged. If the DD name is updated, then it is used for the Binder INCLUDE call of the module.

A sample CA-Panexec exit is available as member IDIPANEX in data set IDI.SIDISAM1.