Changing the history file or view displayed
- Type a different history file or view name
- To specify a history file or view name to be displayed, type its name on the
Fault History File or View
line as the example shown at ❶ in Typing a different history file or view name where the history file name 'MY.HIST' is selected. After typing the history file or view name, press the Enter key to show the fault entries.Figure 1. Typing a different history file or view name File Options View Services Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── IBM Fault Analyzer - Fault Entry List Line 1 Col 1 80 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR Fault History File or View : 'my.hist'❶________________________ {The following line commands are available: ? (Query), V or S (View saved report), I (Interactive reanalysis), B (Batch reanalysis), D (Delete), H (Duplicate history), C (Copy fault entry), M (Move fault entry), X (XMIT fault entry).} Fault ID Job/Tran User ID Sys/Job Abend Date Time __ F00323 IDIVPCOB IBMUSER MVS2 S0C7 2019/12/21 13:02:25 __ F00445 ALLANT01 JACKIED MVS8 S0C7 2019/12/19 03:29:57 __ F00444 ALLANT01 JACKIED MVS8 S0C7 2019/11/28 20:25:30 __ F00442 ALLANT01 ALLANT MVS8 S0C7 2019/09/10 22:20:10 __ F00349 CS05 CICSUSER CSCB0050 ASRA 2019/08/23 07:47:23 __ F00348 CS04 CICSUSER CSCB0040 ASRA 2019/08/23 07:46:36 __ F00345 CS01 CICSUSER CSCB0010 AEIL 2019/08/23 07:43:35 __ F00050 PSTRANDR PSTRAND STPLEX4B S0C4 2019/08/02 17:03:18 __ F00035 CICS53 n/a MVS2 n/a 2019/04/05 14:49:11 F1=Help F3=Exit F4=MatchCSR F5=RptFind F6=Actions F7=Up F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right F12=MatchALL
The following defines the rules for naming history files and views:- For history file names, the standard TSO naming convention applies, that is, the
name typed is automatically prefixed by the TSO prefix if not enclosed in single
quotes. For example, if your TSO prefix is set to FRED and you want to specify the
history file name FRED.HIST, type either
on theFault history file or view
line.If missing, the ending quote is automatically added.
- View names are member names in one of the data sets that is associated with the
IDIVIEWS DDname. These are
specified by enclosing them in parenthesis. For example, to specify that the view
member ABC is to be displayed, type
on theFault history file or view
line.If missing, the closing parenthesis is automatically added.
To obtain a list of history files from which a selection can be made, a history file pattern can be specified using wildcards, consisting of one or more percent signs (%) and/or asterisks (*):- *
- A single asterisk by itself indicates that at least one qualifier is needed to occupy that position. A single asterisk within a qualifier indicates that zero or more characters can occupy that position.
- **
- A double asterisk indicates that zero or more qualifiers can occupy that position. A double asterisk within a qualifier is invalid.
- %
- A single percent sign indicates that any one single alphanumeric or national character can occupy that position.
- %%…
- One to eight percent signs can be specified in each qualifier.
History file pattern Resulting list 'FRED.*' All history file names with FRED as the first qualifier and at least one more qualifier. 'FRED.**' All history file names with FRED as the first qualifier. 'FRED.**.HIST' All history file names with FRED as the first qualifier, HIST as the last qualifier and zero or more qualifiers in between. 'AAA%*.B*%%%B' All history file names that start with AAA, have at least one more character in the high level qualifier, and have a second qualifier that begins and ends in B, with at least three letters between the Bs. The rules for using quotes around history file names also apply to history file patterns.
The first qualifier of a history file pattern, after prefixing if applicable due to unquoted specification, must not consist of wildcards only, for example '*', '**', and '**.HIST'. However, **.HIST is valid if running with PREFIX ON.
- For history file names, the standard TSO naming convention applies, that is, the
name typed is automatically prefixed by the TSO prefix if not enclosed in single
quotes. For example, if your TSO prefix is set to FRED and you want to specify the
history file name FRED.HIST, type either
- Select a previously used history file or view
- A record is maintained of the last 10 history files or views displayed. To select a
previously displayed history file or view, first select the File menu Last Accessed
Fault History Files or Views option (for information about selecting this option in
general, refer to Action-bar pull-down menus). This opens the Last
Accessed Fault History Files or Views display as the example shown in Sample Last Accessed Fault History Files or Views display.
Figure 2. Sample Last Accessed Fault History Files or Views display File Options View Services Help s ┌───────── Last Accessed Fault History Files or Views ─────────┐ ─────────── I │ │ 1 Col 1 80 C │ Enter the number corresponding to one of the following │ l ===> CSR │ previously accessed fault history files or views and press │ F │ Enter: │ │ __ 1. 'XMPUSER.DEMO.HIST' │ { │ 2. 'XMPUSER.HIST' HLD ❶ │ saved r │ 3. 'DA.DCAT' │ e), H ( │ 4. (APC) Sample view of APC history files │ (XMIT fault e │ 5. │ │ 6. │ │ 7. │ ate T │ 8. │ 019/10/07 2 │ 9. │ 019/09/07 1 │ 10. │ 019/07/16 1 │ │ 019/07/15 1 │ F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Hold/Rel F12=Cancel │ 019/07/01 0 └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 019/05/19 1 F05495 883 S62041A S62041 SB34 U3500 2019/04/10 1 F03678 557 S62041A S62041 SB34 U3500 2019/03/18 1 F1=Help F3=Exit F4=MatchCSR F5=RptFind F6=Actions F7=Up F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right F12=Retrieve
From the Last Accessed Fault History Files or Views display shown in Sample Last Accessed Fault History Files or Views display, type the number corresponding to the desired history file or view name at the initial cursor position and press Enter to display the entries for the selected history file or view.
To return to the Fault Entry List display without making any changes, press either PF3 or PF12.
To prevent a history file name from dropping off the list, enter the number of the list item in the input field and press PF5. The "HLD" indicator will be shown on the right hand side of the entry, see ❶ in the above example.
If a history file name is already held ("HLD" is shown on the right hand side of the entry), then it can be released by entering the number of the list item in the input field and press PF5 again.
- Select a previously used history file entry
- A record is maintained of the last 10 history file entries used. To select a
previously displayed history file entry, first select the File menu Last Accessed Fault
History File Entries option (for information about selecting this option in general,
refer to Action-bar pull-down menus). This opens the Last Accessed
Fault History File Entries display as the example shown in Sample Last Accessed Fault History File Entries display.
Figure 3. Sample Last Accessed Fault History File Entries display File Options View Services Help s ┌──────────── Last Accessed Fault History File Entries ─────────────┐ _______ I │ │ l 1 80 C │ Enter the number corresponding to one of the following │ > CSR │ previously accessed history file entries and press Enter: │ F │ __ 1. 'XMPUSER.DEMO.HIST(F00323)' │ │ 2. 'XMPUSER.DEMO.HIST(F00345)' │ { │ 3. 'XMPUSER.DEMO.HIST(F00348)' │ r │ 4. 'XMPUSER.HIST(F00331)' │ │ 5. │ │ 6. │ │ 7. │ │ 8. │ │ 9. │ │ 10. │ │ F1=Help F3=Save F4=Reset F7=Up F8=Down F10=Left │ │ F11=Right F12=Cancel │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F00345 CS01 CICSUSER CSCB0010 AEIL 2019/08/23 07:43:35 F00050 PSTRANDR PSTRAND STPLEX4B S0C4 2019/08/02 17:03:18 F00035 CICS53 n/a MVS2 n/a 2019/04/05 14:49:11 F00034 CICS53 n/a MVS2 S08E 2019/03/22 13:12:23 F1=Help F3=Exit F4=MatchCSR F5=RptFind F6=Actions F7=Up F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right F12=MatchALL
From the Last Accessed Fault History File Entries display shown in Sample Last Accessed Fault History File Entries display, type the number corresponding to the desired history file entry at the initial cursor position and press Enter to display it.
To return to the Fault Entry List display without making any changes, press either PF3 or PF12.
- Select a view from a list of views
- To see a list of views available to you, select the File menu List Views option (for
information about selecting this option in general, refer to Action-bar pull-down menus). This opens a display as shown in Sample View List display .
Figure 4. Sample View List display File Options View Services Help s ┌────────────────────────────── View List ──────────────────────────────┐ C │ Command ===> ______________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR │ │ │ F │ Line commands: S (select) B (browse). │ │ │ { │ _ Name Description │ r │ _ APC Sample view of APC history files │ │ _ BATCH Batch History Files │ │ _ DB2 SAMPLE VIEW OF DB2 HISTORY FILES │ │ _ JOHNS View of CICS and IMS History files │ │ _ SUBS SubSystem History Files │ │ _ SW Test │ │ _ TOM Tom's Views │ │ _ VIEW2 TEST VIEW │ │ _ ZZZZZZZZ (No description available) │ │ │ │ *** Bottom of data. │ │ │ │ │ │ F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right
From here, you can enter one of the following line commands against each view:- B
- This command permits you to browse the view member. For example, if the view
member JOHNS was selected for browse, the contents of this member would be
displayed as shown in Sample File Browse display.
To return from the File Browse display to the View List, press either PF3 or PF12.
File Options View Services Help s ┌────────────────────────────── View List ──────────────────────────────┐ I │ ┌──────────────────────────── File Browse ──────────────────────────────┐ C │ C │ 'DA.VIEWS(JOHNS)' Line 1 Col 1 76 │ │ L │ Command ===> ______________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR │ F │ │ │ │ │ * View of CICS and IMS History files │ { │ │ CTEST.DUMPA.DACICS.DCAT │ r │ │ CTEST.DUMPA.DAIMS.DCAT │ │ │ │ │ B │ *** Bottom of data. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ * │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───│ F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel │ F8=D └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- S
- This action selects the view for display and automatically return to the previous
display with the selected view name specified on the
Fault History File or View
line.To display the chosen view, press PF3.
To return to the previously displayed history file or view without making any changes, press PF12.
When a different history file or view is selected, the column configuration of the Fault Entry List display might change.