Locking fault entries
You can lock a fault entry to prevent it from being deleted from a history file. You can specify the number of days that the fault entry is to remain locked, or specify that the lock never expires (the fault entry is never deleted). You can highlight locked fault entries in the Fault Entry List display. The optional IDIXLOCK exit can control fault entry flag values across an installation.
By default, fault entries are not locked. You must have UPDATE access to a fault entry to change its lock flag.
Locking a fault entry from the Fault Entry List display
From the Fault Entry List display, you can apply the L line command against a fault entry to lock the entry using the default lock configuration. See Fault Analyzer preferences for information about setting the default lock configuration.
Locking a fault entry from the Fault Entry Information display
- Do one of the following to display the Fault Entry Information:
- In the Fault Entry List display, enter the ? line command against the fault entry.
- In the Interactive Reanalysis report, do either of the following:
- Issue the INFO command. See INFO for details.
- Select Action-bar pull-down menus. from the action-bar. See
- Configure the Lock Flag. See Viewing fault entry information.
Locking a fault entry through a user exit
You can lock a fault entry through a user exit by using the ENV.LOCK_FLAG field. See ENV - Common exit environment information.
Controlling fault entry lock flag values
Optionally, a systems programmer can control fault entry locking throughout the installation. For example, they can limit the number of days fault entries can be locked or prevent fault entries from being locked indefinitely. When a fault entry lock flag changes (whether through an Analysis Control user exit or through the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface), control can pass to the optional IDIXLOCK exit routine. The IDIXLOCK exit can accept the change or replace it with a different value.
The IDIXLOCK exit can impose different restrictions based on user ID or security server group ID. For example, the IDIXLOCK exit could permit an administrator to set any lock flag value, while restricting others to installation-wide rules.
Member IDISLOCK in data set IDI.SIDISAM1 includes a job that creates a sample exit. The exit must be a load module named IDIXLOCK in IDI.SIDIAUTH or in another APF-authorized library. Include the library in LNKLST to ensure the IDIXLOCK load module can be found by all jobs.
Highlighting locked fault entries
You can use text color to highlight the Fault ID and Lock columns of locked fault entries in the Fault Entry List display. Highlighting can make locked fault entries easier to find in the display. If you want to conserve screen space, you can indicate locked entries with highlighting and exclude the Locked column from the display. (See Fault entry list column configuration.) Conversely, the Locked column is a text alternative to highlighting that can be read by screen readers and those with color vision deficiency. You can sort fault entries based on the Locked column, but not based on highlighting.
For details about how to configure highlighting for locked fault entries, see Fault Analyzer preferences.
- Bold text indicates the highlighted fault-entry columns (which display the configured text color in a live screen).
- Highlighting is configured for both the Fault_ID column and the Lock column of locked fault entries.
- The Fault Entry List display shows that Fault IDs F82335 and F02203 are actively locked.
- The lock on Fault ID F82335 is active and extends for 20 days from the date when the fault occurred.
- The lock on Fault ID F02203 is active and has no expiration date.
- The 20-day lock on Fault ID CIC52396 has expired.
File Options View Services Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── IBM Fault Analyzer - Fault Entry List Line 1 Col 1 80 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR Fault History File or View : 'EXPUSER.HIST' Fault ID Lock Locked Date Time Abend Sys/Job Job/Tran User_ID __ F02222 No 2020/04/16 10:08:42 S0C7 FAE1 IDIVPCOB EXPUSER __ F82335 20 Yes 2020/04/01 10:37:59 ASRA AS720F1 SW99 EXPUSER __ F02214 No 2020/03/27 09:33:09 U0100 RRG1 EM062190 EXPUSER __ CIC52396 20 No 2020/03/26 10:09:54 SNAP E114CICS CS65 TESTFA1 __ F02208 No 2020/03/24 10:18:07 S0CB FAE1 COBMST3 EXPUSER __ F02207 No 2020/03/24 10:17:50 S0CB FAE1 COBMST3 EXPUSER __ F02203 / Yes 2020/03/19 11:09:47 SNAP FAE1 FIX EXPUSER __ F02200 No 2020/03/19 10:15:24 SNAP FAE1 CUR EXPUSER __ F02195 No 2020/03/19 10:04:27 SNAP FAE1 UI63650 EXPUSER __ F02194 No 2020/03/19 10:03:15 SNAP FAE1 UI63214 EXPUSER __ F02193 No 2020/03/19 10:02:28 SNAP FAE1 UI61521 EXPUSER __ F02192 No 2020/03/19 10:01:18 SNAP FAE1 UI59890 EXPUSER __ F02191 No 2020/03/19 10:00:27 SNAP FAE1 UI59820 EXPUSER __ F02190 No 2020/03/19 09:59:21 SNAP FAE1 UI58414 EXPUSER __ F02189 No 2020/03/19 09:58:15 SNAP FAE1 UI56500 EXPUSER __ F02188 No 2020/03/19 09:56:43 SNAP FAE1 UI56500 EXPUSER F1=Help F3=Exit F4=MatchCSR F5=RptFind F6=Actions F7=Up F8=Down F10=Left F11=Right F12=MatchALL