Entrust TruePass authentication overview
Entrust provides digital identity and encryption technologies to governments and private industry. With Entrust TruePass software users can authenticate with secure web applications without installing a digital certificate in their browsers. This makes it convenient for use in kiosks and other public user environments.
You can now run tests against servers that require Entrust TruePass authentication. Roaming mode with TruePass applet version 7.0 and later are checkmark_perf.jpg. Local mode, and versions of the TruePass applet prior to 7.0, are not checkmark_perf.jpg. Recording tests with Entrust TruePass applications works just as regular HTTP recording does.
The Entrust TruePass Authentication object is displayed in the
test editor for tests that you record with Entrust TruePass applications.
The Version field displays the recorded version
number of the Entrust TruePass applet. The Server Name and Port are
correlated fields. Click Substitute to use
the Data Sources view to change the server or
port number for playback. The Application Context displays
where the Entrust application is mapped to in the application server.
The User Name and Passphrase fields
can be substituted with values from a dataset.