Citrix text input details
In the test editor, text input action elements are located under window events and describe a series of key strokes. These settings apply to the selected text input element.
- Value
- Specify a string or portion of text that can be entered during the test. You can use references or dataset variables.
Think Time
- Enable Think Time
- Select this option to specify a think time for the current user input action.
- Think Time
- Specifies the programmatically calculated time delay that is observed for each virtual user when this test is run with multiple virtual users. Think time is a statistical emulation of the amount of time actual users spend reading or thinking about an input before performing the action.
Response Time
- Start response time for
- Select this option to use the current input action to trigger the start of a response time measurement. When you select this option on an input action that is not already linked to a response time, a new response time is created with a default name. If there are response times that do not have a start action, then these are also listed. Select the response time that you want to link to.
- Go to response time definition
- Click here to navigate to the session element to view the Response Time Definitions table.