This guide describes the tasks that you can perform for testing various domains, technologies, and applications. To enable testing, you must configure and enable the environment for testing.
Typically, a user with the Integration Tester role is also responsible for performance testing. This guide lists all such topics.
This topic describes how to create, configure, and run performance tests.
Performance tests are executed in Rational® Integration Tester in the same way and from the same perspectives as any other test resource.
This document contains information about What's new, installation, known issues, and contact information of IBM Support.
This document includes information about hardware and software requirements for IBM® Rational® Test Virtualization Server.
This guide provides an overview and describes the tasks to get you started with IBM® Rational® Performance Test Server.
Typically, a user with the administrator role is responsible for certain tasks including installation, configuration, and integration of the product. This guide lists all such topics.
Agents (Rational® Integration Tester Agent) are required on the computers that will run IBM® Rational Integration Tester tests and the probes that monitor the systems.
A performance test is created within a Rational® Integration Tester project.
The execution of a performance test has multiple stages.
When running Rational® Integration Tester tests outside of a performance test, the Initialize and Tear-down phases are each run only once.
In the IBM® Rational® Performance Test Server application, tests are run primarily from the Test Lab perspective and the progress of the test is displayed in the Console view.
Performance tests can also be run from a command prompt by using the RunTests command (which is located in <Installation Directory>).
You can troubleshoot an issue that you encounter while you run a performance test with a MySQL database.
This topic describes how to work with IBM® Rational® Performance Test Server charts in the Results Gallery perspective.
A Rational® Integration Tester probe measures variables from a particular component in the system and reports back its findings for processing and storage.
This guide describes the tasks that you can perform for testing various domains, technologies, and applications. To enable testing, you must configure and enable the environment for testing. This guide is intended for Integration testers.
You can take certain actions to ensure that your installation is secure, customize your security settings, and set up user access controls.
This document provides information about copyright, trademarks, terms and conditions for product documentation.
There are two options for executing a performance test: