Create a Functional Test Project dialog box

You can use the Create a Functional Test Project dialog box to create a new functional test project.

Note: If you clicked the New button on the product toolbar to create a new Functional Test project, the New dialog box appears. The Select a Wizard page displays a list of project wizards.
Project name
The name of the new Functional Test project. Project names cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | ( ) or a space. If your project is on a UNIX® computer, do not embed spaces in the project name.
Project location
The path of the new project. You can type this path or click Browse to select a path. If you want to add the project to source control, this path must be in a ClearCase® VOB.
Add the project to Source Control
Select to add a project to source control. Clear if you do not want to add a project to source control. If unavailable, the project location is not the path to a ClearCase® VOB. For information about setting up ClearCase®, see Setting Up ClearCase.
  • If this check box is unavailable, you may not have the appropriate privileges set up.

To open: Click the Create a Functional Test Project button Create New Functional Test Project on the product toolbar and on the Functional Test menu, click File > New > Functional Test Project.