Working with Git by using Rational® Integration Tester

After you have set up the Git repositories for your test project assets, you can use the IBM® Rational® Integration Tester to perform operations to load your project, pull the test assets from the remote repository, make changes, commit changes to the remote repository, or reload your project test assets from the remote repository ignoring the uncommitted changes in your local repository. By using the Rational® Integration Tester UI, you can visually ascertain the connectivity to the repository and the status of the files on both the remote and local repositories.


Before you use the Rational® Integration Tester UI to perform the Git operations, certain tasks must be completed:
  • You must have installed Git.
  • You must have set up the remote Git repository.
  • You must have set up your account to access the remote Git repository.
  • You must have set up the local Git repository.
  • The test project files must be available under the local Git repository directory.
  • The test project files must be available in the remote Git repository.

Git operations

You can perform the following Git operations in Rational® Integration Tester.