New protocol extensions
This section describes the implementation of the code generation subsystem extension for the socket protocol as an example of using code generation extensibility features.
A dedicated code generation plug-in, called
was created with subpackages of config, lang, and model. The socket
code generation subsystem extends the capabilities of the codegen.core
The config package contains the SocketExtensionPreferences
class which contains the supportsFeatures() method that
expresses interest in tests with feature lists containing the socket
feature. Also, its getSupportedModelElements()
declares which translator-associated model element types this codegen
extension will support.
The lang package contains two main classes,
a script definition (SocketScriptDefinition
) class
and a translator (SocketTranslator
) class. The classes
extend the appropriate super classes from the codegen.core plug-in,
and defining methods for translating script and test elements. The
script definition class overrides the doScriptLevelTranslation()
method which, after calling its superclass, translates all socket
script template parameters specific to the socket protocol. The translator
class overrides the getTranslationFor()
method, handling
all non-socket functionality by calling its superclass, and all socket-specific
test elements and parameters locally.
The model package contains
the SocketElementAdapter
class, which implements
a getAdapterFor()
method that states what Common
Behavior element type this protocol extension handles, and returns
the corresponding codegen
model element.
The template directory was also added to the protocol extension plug-in, and socket-specific templates were created and placed there. All necessary extensions were defined in the protocol extension plugin.xml file.
For the code generation extension sample, see the plug-in