WSDL documents
A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document is a schema that describes a web service, including information on how to locate that service and what operations are supported. Within HCL OneTest™ API, a WSDL document enables users to construct a SOAP message that can be sent to a web service and to construct a template message in order to validate replies from web services.
Within every WSDL document, a binding
element defines the message
format and protocol that is used for the operations and messages that it supports. HCL OneTest™ API currently
supports the SOAP protocol for this purpose and as such all requests sent to Web Services use the
SOAP Document-Literal or RPC encoded formatters.
Additional information about SOAP can be found on the SOAP specifications page of the W3C website. You can import WSDL documents that contain WS-SecurityPolicy assertions. This enables HCL OneTest™ API to automate the definition of security settings in SOAP messages. However, HCL OneTest™ API does not currently support the following WS-SecurityPolicy elements: SAML 2.0, signed and encrypted elements (XPath), transport binding, layout assertion, and entire header signing and encryption. For information about the WS-SecurityPolicy specification, see the OASIS website.