Start a stub by using an Ant task
You can start a stub by using the IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel Ant tasks.
<taskdef name="startStub" classname="com.ghc.ghTester.ant.StartStub" classpathref="tasklib" />
<startStub domain="<Domain name>" environment="<Environment name>"
component="<Component name>" operation="<Operation name>"
name="<Stub name>" version="<Stub version number>"
serverUrl="https://<Host name or IP address>:5443/RTCP/"/>
- create-update-delete-environment.xml
- lock-unlock-environment.xml
- publish-stubs.xml
- start-stop-scenario.xml
- start-stop-stub.xml
Ant task for starting a stub. Attribute | Description | Required | ||||||||||||||||
serverUrl | URL of the Rational® Test Control Panel. | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
domain | Domain name | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
environment | Environment name | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
component | Component the stub exists within. | No | ||||||||||||||||
operation | The operation the stub exists within on the server. | No | ||||||||||||||||
name | The name of the target stub to start. | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
version | Version of the target stub to start. Note: If you are using Rational®
Integration Tester or later, and the Rational®
Test Control Panel command line or Apache Ant tasks are used to start a stub,
and if no stub version information is provided, it is the latest version of a stub that is run. If
you are using 8.5.0 or earlier, and the Rational®
Test Control Panel command line or Apache Ant tasks are used to
start a stub, and if no stub version information is provided, it is the earliest version of a stub
that is run. |
No | ||||||||||||||||
attributes | Comma-separated list of agent attributes identifying the agent to run on. | No | ||||||||||||||||
async | Run asynchronously (flag). | No, default is synchronous. | ||||||||||||||||
username | Specify the user name to authenticate with Rational® Test Control Panel if the environment is locked and the domain security is disabled. | No | ||||||||||||||||
securityToken |
Specify the security token generated for you to authenticate with Rational® Test Control Panel when the domain security is enabled. In the locked environment mode, the operation can be performed by the user who locked the environment. |
No, default is to send no token. | ||||||||||||||||
disablePerformanceOptimisations | Specify the value "true" to disable performance optimization when starting the stub (optional). | No | ||||||||||||||||
workerThreadCount | The amount of worker threads used to service requests to the stub (optional). | No | ||||||||||||||||
haltOnFailure | Set to true to fail the Ant script if the stub fails to start (flag). | No, default is false. | ||||||||||||||||
failureProperty | The name of a property that is set in the event of a failure. | No | ||||||||||||||||
dedicatedEngine | If you want to run the stub on a dedicated engine, you can also specify the JVM options by using the dedicatedEngineJvmOptions parameter. You can then specify the values for the attributes such as the maximum memory, the initial memory, and the garbage collection policy that must be applied for the dedicated engine. The JVM options can be specified only if you set this option to "true".Example:
No | ||||||||||||||||
Use the force flag or option to start the stub by ignoring any warnings or errors that might occur. You can use any of the following variants:
You can use the following identifiers that must be either ignored or considered when the stub is started:
secretsAuthorization |
User offline token for authorizing the client to access Rational® Test Automation Server. For example, the command to start a stub that uses the secretsAuthorization
For more information, see Accessing Rational Test Automation Server from IntegrationTesterCmd, ANT CLI, Maven CLI, or in a REST API call. |
No |
Error codes
For details of any error codes, see Exit codes for Command-line client and Ant client.