Dataset encryption

Encrypted datasets are useful when you want to run tests that contain confidential information such as a set of passwords or account numbers.

When you run a test that uses an encrypted dataset, then you must provide an encryption key for decrypting the encrypted data in columns so that the data can be used in the test. If the test uses data from the multiple encrypted dataset columns, you must enter the same encryption key for every encrypted dataset column that the test uses.

When you run the test that uses the dataset with the encrypted column, the value of the column is decrypted at a run time. The data in the column is sent as a clear-text string in requests to the server. The actual values of the encrypted dataset variables are not displayed in the test log. The test log displays asterisks for the encrypted dataset variables.

You can use only one encryption key to encrypt data in the columns in any dataset.

The encryption keys that you use to encrypt data in a dataset are not stored on the server nor can be retrieved from the server. Therefore, you must remember to store the encryption keys in a secure location. You must use the same encryption keys to perform the following operations:

  • View the encrypted values

  • Decrypt data

  • Enable the use of the encrypted dataset during test runs