- Setting up ClearCase
If you use ClearCase® for source control management, you need to do some preliminary tasks to set up a typical ClearCase® installation.
- Setting up ClearCase on a Windows server
If you use a version of ClearCase® earlier than 2003.06 for source control management of your test assets, you must update the ClearCase® type managers to recognize Functional Test object map files on Windows®. The latest version of ClearCase® includes Rational® Functional Tester type managers.
- Setting up ClearCase on a UNIX server
If you use ClearCase®, you must update the ClearCase® type managers to recognize Rational® Functional Tester test object map files on a UNIX® system.
- Setting up ClearCase to merge on UNIX
If you use Rational® Functional Tester with ClearCase® on a UNIX® system, you need to set up ClearCase® to merge the Rational® Functional Tester files correctly.
- Setting ClearCase preferences for Rational Functional Tester
You can define the following settings for the ClearCase® integration with Rational® Functional Tester: enable integration with ClearCase®, show script details, save a file with the keep extension, check out a script reserved, and save a new version of the script and keep it checked out.
- Sharing a project
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase®, you must share the functional test project and then add the project to source control. When you share a project, you move it to a Rational® ClearCase® snapshot or dynamic view. The project must be in a Rational® ClearCase® view for you to add it to source control.
- Adding an element to source control
New projects and new scripts and their supporting files, are all view private files and are not under IBM® Rational® ClearCase® source control until you add them to source control.
- Checking out an element
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® for source control management, you must check out an element (a functional test script, a functional test project, an object map or a Java™ file) before you modify it.
- Showing checkouts
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® for source control management, you can list all the scripts and test assets that you currently have checked out.
- Editing an element
If you use ClearCase® for source control of your test assets, you can edit an element of the project that is in ClearCase®.
- Checking in an element
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® for source control management, you must check in a script to create a new version of a file.
- Undoing a checkout
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® for source control of your test assets, and if you check out an element and decide that you do not want to change it, you can cancel the checkout.
- Rational ClearCase Remote Client
The IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client is an application designed to operate efficiently over high latency network or wide area network. With Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client, you can connect to a ClearCase web server and access resources in remote ClearCase repositories and load them into local ClearCase views as ordinary files and directories under ClearCase control.
- Switching between Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearCase Remote Client
If you have installed both IBM® Rational® ClearCase® and Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client on your computer, you can switch between the two software configuration management systems by specifying the software configuration management client type in the ivory.properties file.
- Setting ClearCase Remote Client Preferences
You can define the settings that govern IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client integration with IBM® Rational® Functional Tester.
- Logging on to the change management server
After installing IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client and switching to Remote Client to connect to your repository, log on to the change management server.
- Creating a ClearCase view
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client, you must create a ClearCase® view and then connect to the functional test project whose functional assets you want to maintain in Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client.
- Adding an element to source control
New projects and new scripts and their supporting files are all view private files and are not under IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client source control until you add them to source control.
- Checking out an element
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client for source-control operations, you must check out an element that has been added or checked in to the database to modify it.
- Editing an element
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client for source control of your test assets, you can edit a project element that is in Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client.
- Checking in an element
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client for source control management, you must check in an element to create a new version of the file.
- Undoing a checkout
If you use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client for source control of your test assets, and if you check out an element and decide not to make changes or not to check in the changes, you can cancel the checkout.
- Using the ClearCase Explorer perspective
Rational® Functional Tester integration withRational® ClearCase® Remote Client is supported in the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). You install ClearCase® Remote Client on the Eclipse IDE that you use for Rational® Functional Tester. If you encounter problems when using Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client source control operations in Rational® Functional Tester, you can complete the operations in the ClearCase Explorer perspective.
- Displaying the history of an element
When you use ClearCase® as your source control system, you can view the element type, the element name, the date of the revisions, the first few characters of the comment, the user who made the change, and the nature of the change for a test script or other element in ClearCase®.
- Comparing versions of elements
If you use ClearCase® for source control management, you can compare an element with its previous version to determine whether to check in your changes.
- Getting the latest version
When you use a snapshot view you must remember to get the latest files from the VOB on a regular basis or changes that others check in can break your script. Updating once a day is probably enough, depending on your particular team's needs.
- Support for geographically-distributed project teams
As you develop your Rational® Functional Tester test scripts and the supporting files that accompany those scripts, you can use Rational® MultiSite ClearCase® as your software configuration management system to support parallel software development across geographically distributed project teams.
- Unreserved elements
There are two kinds of checkouts for an element when you use ClearCase® to manage your Rational® Functional Tester test assets: reserved and unreserved.
- Merging changes done by multiple users
If you use Rational® ClearCase® as your software configuration management system, when multiple users make changes to the same file, the second user to check in the file is required to merge.
- Hijacked files
When you work with a Rational® Functional Tester script or its supporting files in a ClearCase® snapshot view, if you do not check out the file in ClearCase®, and modify the file, the file is hijacked.
- Source control icons
If you use ClearCase® for source control management, you can use pop-up menus in the Script Explorer to do ClearCase® operations on a selected element, or view ClearCase® icons in the Script Explorer that indicate the state of an element.