Prerequisites for creating tests

Before you can create a test, you must complete the prerequisite tasks.

When you use IBM® Rational® Functional Tester to record a test for the application under test (AUT), you must ensure that you follow the prerequisite conditions mentioned or complete the prerequisites tasks.

Find information about the conditions that are independent of the web browsers that you must complete:
  • You must wait for each page to load completely when you record a test.
    Note: This waiting time does not affect performance results because you can remove extra waiting time (think time) when you configure a run to play back the test.
  • You must enable the JavaScript option in a web browser to record and play back Web UI scripts.
  • You must install the Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Google Chrome browsers on computers that run Mac operating system at the default location of /Applications when you want to record or play back a Web UI test.

Prerequisites for using the Google Chrome browser

You must complete the following tasks when you want to use the Google Chrome browser for recording web applications:

Prerequisites for using the Microsoft Edge browser

You must complete the following task when you want to use the Microsoft Edge browser for recording web applications:

Prerequisites for using the Internet Explorer browser

You must complete the following tasks when you want to use the Internet Explorer browser for recording web applications:
  • Add <!DOCTYPE html> at the beginning of the HTML source of the pages to ensure that the browser always loads the web pages in standard mode.
  • Click Tools > Compatibility View Settings and clear all the selections to prevent the application from running on a compatibility mode internally.
  • Enable the Rational® Functional Tester extension in the browser when you are recording the test with Internet Explorer for the first time by performing any of the following actions:
    • Click Enable in the dialog that appears the first time you start Internet Explorer after you installed Rational® Functional Tester.
    • Open Internet Explorer and click Tools > Manage add-ons. Then, select RtwIEBhoWithJS Class, and then click the Enable option.

Prerequisites for using the Mozilla Firefox browser

You must complete the following tasks when you want to use the Mozilla Firefox browser for recording web applications:
  • Install the Web UI browser extension for Firefox®. See Enabling Mozilla Firefox for Web UI testing.
  • Check the Use an alternate Firefox profile option in the Recorder Settings dialog, and select a user profile that is associated with the extension.
  • Clear the Firefox® cache before you start the Firefox® browser so that the browser extension can run and record the web applications.

Prerequisites for using the Safari browser

You must complete the following tasks when you want to use the Safari browser for recording web applications:
  • Enable the Safari browser when you want to record Web UI tests. See Enabling Apple Safari for Web UI recording on a Macintosh computer.
  • Click the Develop > Allow Remote Automation to be able to record a test.
  • Click Stop Session in the dialog that is presented when you start the recording of the web application in the Safari browser.