Primary Option menu

FM/IMS menus and panels work the same way as ISPF. You navigate through the panels exactly as in ISPF.

The Primary Option menu is the first screen displayed when you enter FM/IMS. To leave it you select 'X' (for eXit).

The '=' (equal sign) interprets your menu selection as if you were at the Primary Option menu, regardless of where you are within FM/IMS. So if you are in the Batch Edit Entry Panel (option 3.6), and you enter '=0.5' on the command line, then FM/IMS displays the Editor Options panel. And if you are browsing a data set (option 1), and you enter '=0.5', FM/IMS still displays the Editor Options panel. In particular, you can exit FM/IMS from anywhere within FM/IMS by entering '=X'.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. Primary Option menu
Process   Options   Help
 ❷                                                       ❸
 FM/IMS                       Primary Option Menu

 0  Settings      Set processing options                 User ID . : FMNUSER
 1  Browse        Browse data                            System ID : FMD2
 2  Edit          Edit data                              Appl ID . : FMN1
 3  Utilities     Perform utility functions              Version . : 16.1.0
 4  Template      Template/view/criteria set utilities   Terminal. : 3278
 X  Exit          Terminate FM/IMS                       Screen. . : 1
                                                         Date. . . : 2018/10/14
                                                         Time. . . : 09:29

 Command ===>
❹ F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
❶ Action bar
The Action Bar contains a number of pull-down menus. These menus are available throughout FM/IMS. See Action bar pull-down menus for details.
❷ Primary options
Lists the primary options available within FM/IMS. Selecting an option displays an Entry panel or a menu for the associated function.
❸ Status area
Displays your session information.
❹ Function keys
Lists the Function Keys that are active within the current panel.

Action bar pull-down menus

The Action Bar contains a number of pull-down menus. These menus are available throughout FM/IMS.

The Process pull-down menu lists the processes available on your current panel. These options may change, depending upon which panel is being viewed.
  Process   Options   Help
┌─────────────────────────┐ ──────────────────────
│    1. Exit FM/IMS       │   Primary Option Menu
 0  Settings      Set processing options
The Options pull-down menu lists the choices available from the Settings menu, as well as providing access to the ISPF Settings panel.

See the ISPF User's Guide Volume 1 for details about the ISPF Settings panel.

  Process   Options   Help
 ──────── ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐ ────────────────────────────
 FM/IMS    1. Print settings                 │
          │    2. System settings                │
 0  Setti │    3. Job card specifications        │       User ID . : JHELVON
 1  Brows │    4. Compiler language selection    │       System ID : FMD2
 2  Edit  │    5. COBOL compiler specifications  │       Appl ID . : FMN1
 3  Utili │    6. HLASM compiler specifications  │       Version . : 16.1.0
 4  Templ │    7. PL/I compiler specifications   │ ies   Terminal. : 3278
 X  Exit  │    8. Editor options                 │       Screen. . : 1
          │    9. IMS subsystem settings         │       Date. . . : 2013/10/14
          │   10. Temporary Data Set Allocations │       Time. . . : 09:35
          │   11. Output Data Set Allocations    │
          │   12. Trace options                  │
          │   13. ISPF settings                  │

 Command ===>
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
The Help pull-down menu lists the various ways in which you can enter the Tutorial Help system, as well as providing access to more FM/IMS information.
  Process   Options   Help
────────────────── ┌────────────────────────────┐ ────────────────────────────
FM/IMS             │    1. Help for help...     │
                   │    2. Extended help...     │
0  Settings      S │    3. Keys help...         │       User ID . : FMNUSER
1  Browse        B │    4. Help index...        │       System ID : FMD2
2  Edit          E │    5. Tutorial...          │       Appl ID . : FMN1
3  Utilities     P │    6. About...             │       Version . : 16.1.0
4  Templates     T │    7. News about FM/IMS... │ ies   Terminal. : 3278
X  Exit          T └────────────────────────────┘       Screen. . : 1
                                                        Date. . . : 2018/10/14
                                                        Time. . . : 11:55

Command ===>
 F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
 F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
1. Help for help
Displays the Help panel for the Tutorial Help system.
2. Extended help
Displays the Tutorial Help panel associated with the current FM/IMS panel (equivalent to pressing F1 from the FM/IMS panel). When on the Primary Options menu, this is the Tutorial Help Table of Contents panel.
3. Keys help
Displays help for the Function Keys that are active on the current FM/IMS panel.
4. Field help
Displays the field help.
5. Tutorial
Displays the Tutorial Help Table of Contents panel.
6. About
Displays the FM/IMS version and release information in a pop-up window.
7. News about FM/IMS
Displays general information about the current FM/IMS release.

Parent panels

ISPF Primary Option menu. See z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol 1.

Child panels