FMNIMSIN control statements
- If the Extract is to run in a BMP or DLI region.
- Whether to use a static PSB, or if FM/IMS is to generate a dynamic PSB to extract the IMS data.
- Whether a Keys file is used to perform a partial Extract.
- Whether selection criteria have been specified to perform a partial Extract.
If the database contains logical relationships, the criteria can be used to determine the logical relationships that are to be chased.
. . .
. . .
- IMSid=imsid
- The 4-character ID of the IMS subsystem in which the databases
you want to access are defined. Note: If REGNTYPE=DLI is specified and the FM/IMS installation options module specifies COMPAT=Y, then this is an optional parameter. Otherwise, it is a required parameter.
- Required parameter. Specifies the type of region that you want
the function to run in.
- For a BMP region. You can use a BMP region when the database is online.
- For a DL/I batch processing region. You can use a DL/I batch processing region when the database is offline, or there is data sharing support.
- Optional parameter. Specifies the type of PSB that the function uses to access the
If you do not specify this parameter, FM/IMS uses the installation default specified in the FM/IMS installation option module. The FM/IMS administrator specifies the installation defaults at installation time.
- The function uses a temporary PSB that is generated when it is started and deleted when it finishes.
- The function uses an existing PSB generated by the database administrator. Details of which PSB to use must be specified in the STATIC parameters.
- DBDDSN=dbddsn and DBDDSNi=dbddsni (i= 2 to 6)
- The DBDDSN parameters are used when the IMSID parameter specifies a subsystem that does not use IMS-managed ACBs.
- DBDDD=dbddd
- Use the DBDDD parameter when the IMSID parameter
specifies a subsystem that does not use IMS-managed ACBs.
The DBDDD parameter provides an alternative way of specifying the DBD libraries that the function is to use.
Optional parameter. The name of the DD statement that allocates the DBD libraries that you want the function to use. Include this DD statement in the JCL that you submit. You can specify any valid ddname except for IMS which is reserved for use by FM/IMS.
Note: When the IMSID parameter specifies a subsystem that uses IMS-managed ACBs, the function gets the DBDs from the IMS catalog that the subsystem uses, and the DBDDD parameter is ignored. - DBDMEM=dbdname
- Required parameter. The name of the primary database of the function.
- Optional parameter. Specifies whether or not the Extract uses
selection criteria.
- N
- The Extract does not use selection criteria.
- Y
- The Extract uses selection criteria. If Y is specified, you must specify the criteria set that
the extract is to use as outlined in the CRITDD, CRITDSN and CRITMEM entries below.
- CRITDD=ddname
- Identifies the DD statement for the sequential data set or PDS(E) and member that contains the criteria you want your Extract to use. The default is CRITDD.
- CRITDSN=critdsn
- The name of the data set that contains the criteria that you want your Extract to use. You may specify a sequential data set or a PDS(E). If you specify a PDS(E), the parameter may also include a member name in parentheses.
- CRITMEM=critmem
- Required when the CRITDSN or CRITDD parameter specifies a PDS(E) and does
not specify the member. Specifies the member of the PDS(E) that contains the
criteria you want your Extract to use. Note: The parameters DSNCRIT and MEMCRIT will continue to be supported for backward compatibility.
- Optional parameter. Specifies whether or not the Extract is restricted
to those records that are specified in a key values data set.
- N
- The Extract does not use a key values data set.
- Y
- The Extract uses a key values data set. The key values data set
contains the key values of the root segments of the records that you
want extracted.
You specify the key values data set in the KEYSFILE DD statement. You may specify a sequential data set or a PDS(E) member.
- This
option is only applicable for DEDBs with Sequential Dependent (SDEP)
segments. Specifies whether or not FM/IMS is to write the SDEP timestamp
to the unload file.
- N
- Default value. All of the sequential dependents of a root segment are physically loaded together in the reverse sequence they were read during the Extract process. This restores the SDEP segments so that, when reading them using DLI calls, the database looks the same. However when the DEDB database is processed using the Sequential Dependent Scan Utility, the order of the segments could be different.
- Y
- FM/IMS is to write the SDEP timestamp to the unload file. When loading the DEDB database, the sequential dependent segments are restored in their original entry sequence order. This causes an increase in elapse time and I/O for the Extract job.
- Specifies
whether an extract template is created during the batch extract process.
- N
- Do not create a template during the batch extract process.
- Y
- Create a template during the batch extract process.
- TINPUT=tddin
- Identifies the DD statement for a PDS(E) or a concatenated PDS(E) that contains the template for the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter and templates for all the databases that are logically related to the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter.
- TDSNIN=tddsnin
- Specifies the name of the PDS(E) that contains the template for the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter and templates for all the databases that are logically related to the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter.
- TOUTPUT=tddout
- Identifies the DD statement for either the sequential data set or the PDS(E) member in which you want the Extract template stored.
- TDSNOUT=tdsnout
- Specifies the name of either the sequential data set or the PDS(E) member in which you want the Extract template stored.
- KEYLIST(rootkey1,rootkey2,...)
- Optional parameter. Specifies a list of the root segment key values of the database records that you want extracted. If the length of a root key value is less than the key length of the root segment, then the function considers it to be the first part of the key and extracts all those database records with root key values that match the partial key value.
- KEYRANGE(startkey,endkey)
- Optional parameter. Specifies the start and the end of a
range of root key values. The function extracts those database
records that have a root key value in the specified range.
- startkey
- The start of the range of the root key values. If the length of the startkey value is less than the key length of the root segment then the function appends low values (X'00') to the specified value.
- endkey
- The end of the range of the root key values. If the length of the endkey value is less than the key length of the root segment then the function appends high values (X'FF') to the specified value.
- MAXROOTS=number
- Optional parameter. Limits the number of database records that the function extracts. When this parameter is specified, the function counts the number of database records that it has extracted and terminates when it reaches the specified limit.
- BMP parameters
- The BMP parameters are used when the function is run in BMP mode (REGNTYPE=BMP).Where indicated, if you omit a parameter, FM/IMS uses:
- The subsystem default for the parameter (if you have specified the IMSID parameter)
- The installation default for the parameter (if you have not specified the IMSID parameter)
- AGN=agn
- If the subsystem specified in the IMSID parameter uses AGNs, then this is a required parameter. Otherwise, this parameter should not be specified. Specify an AGN that provides you with the access your function requires and that you have authority to use. (The BMP region that FM/IMS starts is only authorized to use the IMS resources that are associated with the specified AGN.)
- Optional parameter. Specifies the parallel DL/I option that the function is to use.
- 0
- DL/I processing is performed in the BMP region.
- 1
- All DL/I processing for the BMP is performed in the IMS control region.
PARDLI=1 prevents control region system 113 abends resulting from system X22 abends in the BMP region. However, if PARDLI=1, then parallel DL/I is disabled. This can degrade performance.
- IMSNBA=number
- Optional parameter. Specifies the number of Fast Path database buffers to be made available in the Common Service Area when a Fast Path region is activated. The number specified is used by the function when it accesses Fast Path databases. The number you specify must be in the range 1 to 9999.
- IMSOBA=number
- Optional parameter. Specifies the number of additional page-fixed buffers to be made available to a Fast Path region if the normal allotment (specified in the IMSNBA parameter) is used. The number specified is used by the function when it accesses Fast Path databases. The number you specify must be in the range 1 to 9999.
- LOCKMAX=number
- Optional parameter. Specifies the maximum number of locks (in units of 1000) that the function is allowed to hold at one time. The number you specify must be in the range 0 to 32767. If 0 is specified, there will be no limit on the number of locks the function can hold at one time.
- DLI parameters
- The DLI parameters are used when the function is run in DLI mode (REGNTYPE=DLI).Where indicated, if you omit a parameter, FM/IMS uses:
- The subsystem default for the parameter (if you have specified the IMSID parameter)
- The installation default for the parameter (if you have not specified the IMSID parameter)
- RESLIBi=reslibni (i=1 to 6)
- Specifies the names of the data sets containing the IMS SVC modules, the DFSMDA
dynamic allocation modules and the IMS exit routines. The specified data sets are
allocated to the TASKLIB DD and those data sets that are APF-authorized are
allocated to the DFSRESLB DD. Optional parameter. The value of i must start at 1, and then increment by 1 up to a maximum value of 6. Thus
is acceptable, butRESLIB1=reslib1 RESLIB2=reslib2 RESLIB3=reslib3
is not, because the valueRESLIB1=reslib1 RESLIB3=reslib3
is missing. - RECON1=recon1
- Optional parameter. If you want IMS to dynamically allocate the DBRC RECON data sets, do not specify this parameter. IMS allocates the RECON data sets specified in the DFSMDA dynamic allocation modules when they are required. If you want FM/IMS to allocate the DBRC RECON data sets, specify the name of the primary DBRC RECON data set that you want IMS to use. FM/IMS allocates the specified data set to the RECON1 DD when it is required. If you specify the RECON1 parameter, you must also specify the RECON2 and RECON3 parameters.
- RECON2=recon2
- Optional parameter. If you want IMS to dynamically allocate the DBRC RECON data sets, do not specify this parameter. IMS allocates the RECON data sets specified in the DFSMDA dynamic allocation modules when they are required. If you want FM/IMS to allocate the DBRC RECON data sets, specify the name of the secondary DBRC RECON data set that you want IMS to use. FM/IMS allocates the specified data set to the RECON2 DD when it is required. If you specify the RECON2 parameter, you must also specify the RECON1 and RECON3 parameters.
- RECON3=recon3
- Optional parameter. If you want IMS to dynamically allocate the DBRC RECON data sets, do not specify this parameter. IMS allocates the RECON data sets specified in the DFSMDA dynamic allocation modules when they are required. If you want FM/IMS to allocate the DBRC RECON data sets, specify the name of the spare DBRC RECON data set that you want IMS to use. FM/IMS allocates the specified data set to the RECON3 DD when it is required. If you specify the RECON3 parameter, you must also specify the RECON1 and RECON2 parameters.
- DFSVSAMP=dfsvsamp
- Optional parameter. Specifies the name of the data set containing the parameters that define the IMS buffer subpools for OSAM and VSAM data sets. The specified data set is allocated to the DFSVSAMP DD. If the specified data set is partitioned, specify the required member in the VSMPMEM parameter.
- VSMPMEM=vsmpmem
- Optional parameter. When the DFSVSAMP data set that the function is to use is a PDS(E), VSMPMEM specifies the member of that data set containing the parameters that define the IMS buffer subpools for OSAM and VSAM data sets. The specified member is allocated to the DFSVSAMP DD. If the DFSVSAMP data set is sequential, do not specify this parameter.
- MACLIB=maclib
- Optional parameter. Specifies the name of the IMS macro library. FM/IMS uses the IMS macros in the specified library when generating a dynamic PSB.
- Optional parameter. Specifies whether or not a dynamic backout is to be performed
when an IMS pseudoabend occurs.
- N
- A dynamic backout is not performed when an IMS pseudoabend occurs.
- Y
- A dynamic backout is performed when an IMS pseudoabend occurs.
- Optional parameter. Specifies whether or not the function is to use Database
Recovery Control (DBRC):
- Y
- Use DBRC.
- N
- Do not use DBRC.
- DBRC is set according to the DBRC parameter in the installation default module DFSIDEF0. The function uses DBRC if the DFSIDEF0 module specifies DBRC=YES or DBRC=FORCE or if the DFSIDEF0 module is not found in the RESLIB data sets for the subsystem. The function does not use DBRC if the DFSIDEF0 module specifies DBRC=NO.
- Optional parameter. Specifies whether or not the function uses an Internal
Resource Lock Manager (IRLM).
- Y
- Use IRLM.
- N
- Do not use IRLM.
- IRLM is set according to the IRLM and IRLMNM parameters in the IMSCTRL macro
statement. The function uses IRLM, if one of these conditions is true:
- The IMSCTRL macro statement specifies IRLM=Y.
- The IMSCTRL macro statement specifies an IRLMNM and does not specify IRLM=N.
The function does not use IRLM if one of these conditions is true:- The IMSCTRL macro statement specifies IRLM=N.
- The IMSCTRL macro statement does not specify a value for IRLM and IRLMNM.
- IRLMNAME=irlm_name
- Optional parameter. Specifies the 4-byte z/OS subsystem name assigned to the Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM). The function passes the name to the IMS region controller when IRLM=Y or IRLM=IMS is specified.
- No longer used by FM/IMS but is retained for compatibility. FM/IMS accepts RSR=Y or RSR=N.
- If the IMS subsystem imsid is part of a Remote Site Recovery (RSR) complex and the
GSGNAME has not been specified in the IMSCTRL macro statement or the FM/IMS installation options module,
and you want any activity performed by the function to be tracked by RSR, specify
the Global Service Group (GSG) name for the RSR complex.
If the IMS subsystem is part of an RSR complex and the GSGNAME has been specified in the IMSCTRL macro statement or the FM/IMS installation options module and you do not want the activity of the function to be tracked, specify NONE.
Otherwise, do not specify this parameter.
- TMINAME=tminame
- Optional parameter. If the IMS subsystem is part of a Remote Site Recovery (RSR) complex and you want the activity performed by the function tracked by RSR, specify the Transport Manager Instance (TMI) name that the function is to use.
- IMSBUF=number
- Optional parameter. Specifies the number of 1K blocks to be used in calculating the size of the OSAM pool. The value specified in this field is only used if the DFSVSAMP data set does not include any IOBF control statements.
- LOCKMAX=number
- Optional parameter. Specifies the maximum number of locks (in units of 1000) that the function is allowed to hold at one time. The number you specify must be in the range 0 to 32767. If 0 is specified, there will be no limit on the number of locks the function can hold at one time.
- Optional parameter. If the function is to use a PSB that has update intent, use
this parameter to specify whether or not the function is to use an IMS log and, if
it is to use an IMS log, whether or not to keep the log when the function ends.
- Use an IMS log. Keep the log when the function ends.
- Use an IMS log. Keep the log if the function updates databases or does not end normally.
- Use an IMS log. Only keep the log if the function does not end normally.
- Do not use an IMS log.
- LOG parameters
- The LOG parameters are used when all of these conditions are true:
- The function is to use a PSB that has update intent.
- The LOGUSAGE parameter is set to KEEP, KEEPUPD or DELETE.
- The parameter has not been fixed by the FM/IMS administrator.
- The job step does not include an IEFRDER DD or the FM/IMS administrator has set UIEFRDER to N.
When you omit a parameter FM/IMS uses the installation default specified in the FM/IMS installation option module (except for the LOGDSN parameter).
- Optional parameter. Specifies the name pattern that the function uses to generate
the name of the IMS log data set that it dynamically allocates.
If you do not specify this parameter, FM/IMS uses the subsystem default for the parameter (if you have specified the IMSID parameter), or the installation default for the parameter (if you have not specified the IMSID parameter). The FM/IMS administrator specifies the subsystem and installation defaults at installation time.
The name pattern can consist of up to five qualifiers. For each qualifier, you can specify either the required character string or a symbol. The data set name is generated by replacing the symbols in the name pattern with their run-time values.
The parameter supports these symbols:
- The name of the primary database that the function accesses.
- The value specified in the TSOPREFIX parameter (if specified) or null (otherwise).
- The code for the function. The following are the codes for the functions
that support this parameter:
- Initialize
- Extract
- Load
- Batch Edit
- Batch Browse
- Thhmmss where hhmmss is the time of day that the IMS log is created expressed in hours (HH), minutes (MM) and seconds (SS).
- &SSID.
- The name of the IMS subsystem that the function is to access.
- &UID.
- Either &PREFIX. (if its value is not null) or the User ID (otherwise).
- &USER.
- User ID
- Dyymmdd where yymmdd is the date that the IMS log is created expressed as a 2-digit year (YY), month (MM) and day (DD).
- The unit of the primary (LOGPQTY) and secondary (LOGSQTY) space allocation:
- Specifies that the space be allocated in cylinders.
- Specifies that the space be allocated in tracks.
- Specifies that the space be allocated in blocks.
- MB
- Specifies that the space be allocated in megabytes.
- KB
- Specifies that the space be allocated in kilobytes.
- The primary space allocation for the IMS log data set.
- The secondary space allocation for the IMS log data set.
- The management class for the IMS log data set.
- The storage class for the IMS log data set.
- The data class for the IMS log data set.
- The device type of the volume on which the IMS log data set is to reside.
- DYNAMIC parameters
- The DYNAMIC parameters are used when the function uses a dynamic
- Optional parameter. Specifies the PSB processing option (PROCOPT) that the dynamic PSB uses to
read the database.
- G
- The function reads with integrity.
- GO
- The function reads without integrity.
If you omit this parameter, FM/IMS uses:- The subsystem default for the parameter (if you have specified the IMSID parameter)
- The installation default for the parameter (if you have not specified the IMSID parameter)
- STATIC parameters
- The STATIC parameters are used when the function uses a static
- PSBDSN=psbdsn and PSBDSNi=psbdsni (i = 2 to 6)
- The PSBDSN parameters are used when the IMSID parameter specifies a subsystem that does not use IMS-managed ACBs.
- PSBDDD=psbdd
- Use the PSBDD parameter when the IMSID parameter
specifies a subsystem that does not use IMS-managed ACBs.
The PSBDD parameter provides an alternative way of specifying the PSB libraries that the function is to use.
Optional parameter. The name of the DD statement that allocates the PSB libraries that you want the function to use. Include this DD statement in the JCL that you submit. You can specify any valid ddname.
Note: When the IMSID parameter specifies a subsystem that uses IMS-managed ACBs, the function gets the PSBs from the IMS catalog that the subsystem uses, and the PSBDD parameter is ignored. - PSBMEM=psbmbr
- Required when a member name has not been specified in the PSBDSN
parameter. The name of the PSB that you want the function to use.
The PSB that you specify must have a PCB for the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter.
Note:- When the PSB is used for an Extract and you want the Extract to chase logical relationships, the PSB must also have a PCB for each database that is logically related to the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter.
- When the PSB is used for a Load, the PSB must have a PCB for all the databases you want to load.
- PCBNUM=pcbnum
- When the specified PSB has multiple PCBs for the database specified
in the DBDMEM parameter, you specify in this parameter which PCB you
want the function to use. You do this by specifying the ordinal number
that indicates the position of the PCB in the PSB. So, if you want
the function to use the first database PCB in the PSB, you specify
1. If you want the function to use the second database PCB in the
PSB, you specify 2, and so on. Note: If the PSB is for an Extract or a Load and there are multiple PCBs for one or more of the databases that are logically related to the database specified in the DBDMEM parameter, you must also specify the PCBs you want the function to use when accessing these logically related databases.
- PCBNAME=pcbname
- This parameter provides you with an alternative way of specifying the PCBs that you want the function to use. In this parameter, you specify the name of the PCB that you want the function to use.
- Logical keys data set parameters
- The logical keys data set is a VSAM work data set for the keys of the logically related segments
that are to be processed by the Extract. These optional parameters allow you to specify
allocation parameters for this data set.
When you omit a parameter FM/IMS uses the installation default specified in the FM/IMS installation option module (except for the LOGDSN parameter).
- Defines the unit of the primary and secondary space allocation:
- Specifies that the space be allocated in tracks.
- Specifies that the space be allocated in blocks.
- Specifies that the space be allocated in cylinders.
- KB
- Specifies that the space be allocated in kilobytes.
- MB
- Specifies that the space be allocated in megabytes.
- Specifies the primary space allocation for the data set.
- Specifies the secondary space allocation for the data set.
- Specifies a management class for the data set. Do not specify this parameter on a system without SMS.
- Specifies a storage class for the data set. Do not specify this parameter on a system without SMS.
- Specifies a data class for the data set. Do not specify this parameter on a system without SMS.
- (Where n is a number in the range 1 to 3.) Specifies the serial number of the volume that the data set is to be placed on. Use on systems without SMS.
- Root keys data set parameters
- The root keys data set is a VSAM work data set for the root keys of the primary and logically
related databases that have been processed by the Extract. These optional parameters allow
you to specify allocation parameters for this data set.
When you omit a parameter FM/IMS uses the installation default specified in the FM/IMS installation option module (except for the LOGDSN parameter).
- Defines the unit of the primary and secondary space allocation:
- Specifies that the space be allocated in tracks.
- Specifies that the space be allocated in blocks.
- Specifies that the space be allocated in cylinders.
- KB
- Specifies that the space be allocated in kilobytes.
- MB
- Specifies that the space be allocated in megabytes.
- Specifies the primary space allocation for the data set.
- Specifies the secondary space allocation for the data set.
- Specifies a management class for the data set. Do not specify this parameter on a system without SMS.
- Specifies a storage class for the data set. Do not specify this parameter on a system without SMS.
- Specifies a data class for the data set. Do not specify this parameter on a system without SMS.
- (Where n is a number in the range 1 to 3.) Specifies the serial number of the volume that the data set is to be placed on. Use on systems without SMS.