Primary Option Menu panels

The Primary Option Menu panel is the starting point for all FM/CICS operations.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. File Manager Primary Option Menu panel
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/CICS                      Primary Option Menu

 0  Settings      Set processing options                 User ID . : JHELVON
 1  Browse        Browse data                            Appl ID . : FMN3
 2  Edit          Edit data                              CICS User : CICSUSER
 3  Utilities     Perform utility functions              CICS Appl : C62D2FM3
 4  Templates     Template and copybook utilities        Date. . . : 2018/12/12
 FM FM            File
                  Manager for z/OS® 
 FI FM/IMS        File Manager for IMS
 FD FM/Db2        File Manager for Db2
 X  Exit          Terminate FM/CICS

 Processing Options:
  CICS Resource
  1  1. File
     2. Temporary Storage
     3. Transient Data

Command ===>                                                                   
 F1=Help     F3=Exit     F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward  F10=Actions
0 Settings
Displays the Set Processing Options panel.
1 Browse
Displays one of the Browse Entry panels. The type of Browse Entry panel displayed is determined by the setting of the CICS Resource field.
2 Edit
Displays one of the Edit Entry panels. The type of Edit Entry panel displayed is determined by the setting of the CICS Resource field.
3 Utilities
Displays the Utility Functions panel.
4 Templates
Displays the File Manager Base function Template Workbench panel.
Displays the File Manager Base component Primary Option Menu panel.
Displays the File Manager IMS Component Primary Option Menu panel.
Displays the File Manager Db2® Component Primary Option Menu panel.
X Exit
Exits from FM/CICS.
CICS Resource
The type of CICS resource you want to work with:
1. File
Select this option to work with CICS files.
2. Temporary Storage
Select this option to work with CICS temporary storage queues.
3. Transient Data
Select this option to work with CICS transient data queues.

The File Manager and FM options only appear on the Primary Option Menu if your user ID is authorized.

If you are running FM/CICS under ISPF, a modified FM/CICS Primary Option Menu panel is displayed.

Figure 2. FM/CICS File Manager Primary Option Menu panel (when using ISPF)
  Process   Options   Help
 FM/CICS                      Primary Option Menu

 1  View          View data                              User ID . : JHELVON
 2  Edit          Edit data                              Date. . . : 2018/12/12
 3  Print         Print data                             Time......: 14:17
 4  List          List resources
 X  Exit          Terminate FM/CICS

 Processing Options:
  CICS Resource
  1  1. File
     2. Temporary Storage
     3. Transient Data

Command ===>                                                                   
 F1=Help     F3=Exit     F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward  F10=Actions
1 View
Displays one of the View Entry panels. The type of View Entry panel displayed is determined by the setting of the CICS Resource field.
2 Edit
Displays one of the Edit Entry panels. The type of Edit Entry panel displayed is determined by the setting of the CICS Resource field.
3 Print
Displays one of the Print Entry panels. The type of Print Entry panel displayed is determined by the setting of the CICS Resource field.
4 List
Displays the List CICS Resources Entry panel.
X Exit
Exits from FM/CICS.
CICS Resource
Same as definition for Primary Option Menu panels.

Parent panels

File Manager for CICS Logon panels

Child panels

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