File Manager ended
File Manager for CICS has ended.
If File Manager for CICS has ended unexpectedly, refer to output in the job that was submitted to start the File Manager batch address space for further information.
Password required
A password was not entered for the specified userid.
Enter the current password for the specified userid in the Password field.
Confirm new password
The new password entered for the specified userid requires confirmation.
Re-enter the new password for the specified userid in the New Password field.
Re-enter new password
An error occurred while processing the new password.
Re-enter the new password for the specified userid in the New Password field.
Invalid password
An invalid or unauthorized password has been entered for the specified userid.
Enter the current password for the specified userid in the Password field.
Password has expired
The current password for the specified userid has expired.
Enter a new password for the specified userid in the New Password field.
Invalid new password
The new password entered for the specified userid does not meet your system's password requirements.
Enter an acceptable new password for the specified userid in the New Password field.
Userid is revoked
The specified userid is revoked.
Contact your security administrator to determine why the specified userid is revoked.
Procedure name required
The Procedure input field has been left blank.
Specify a valid 1–8 character File Manager procedure name in the Procedure input field. Refer to File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
Profile data set name required
The Profile data set input field has been left blank.
Specify a valid 1–44 character profile data set name in the Profile data set input field. Refer to File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
Invalid profile data set name
The data set name entered in the Profile data set input field does not follow standard MVS data set naming conventions.
Specify a valid 1–44 character profile data set name in the Profile data set input field. Refer to File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
Jobcard required
The first line of the Jobcard input field has been left blank. It must contain a valid jobname along with the JOB JCL statement.
Specify a valid jobcard in the Jobcard input field. Refer to File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
Jobname requires //
A non-comment line in the jobcard specified in the Jobcard input field does not begin with "//".
Follow JCL conventions by specifying // at the beginning of each non-comment line in the Jobcard input field.
Invalid jobname
The jobname specified in the Jobcard input field does not follow JCL conventions.
Specify a valid jobname on the first line of the Jobcard input field.
Jobname too long
The jobname specified in the Jobcard input field exceeds 8 characters.
Specify a valid jobname on the first line of the Jobcard input field.
Invalid jobcard, JOB statement required
The first line specified in the Jobcard input field does not contain the required JOB JCL statement.
Specify a valid jobcard in the Jobcard input field. Refer to File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
Job jobname not responding
Job jobname has been submitted to start the File Manager address space, but a response has not been received within the allocated amount of time. The job may be queued or may have failed. This message is accompanied by message FMNCA019.
Refer to the output of job jobname for any further error messages that may indicate why the job has not responded.
If the job log cannot be found (the FM/CICS job was never started), verify that the FMNRDR DD statement has been properly defined in the CICS startup JCL and your system has sufficient initiators. Refer to the File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
- Insufficient authority to access one of the libraries in the FM/CICS procedure. Check the system log for security messages.
- TCP/IP is not active on the CICS region. Check for TCP/IP error messages in the job log and verify that TCP/IP is active on the CICS region.
- Duplicate job name. Verify if another user may have specified the same job name in the FM/CICS jobcard input field, or a previous FM/CICS job is still active.
Job jobname submitted
Job jobname has been submitted to start the File Manager address space.
Profile READ error, COND: cond, RESP2: resp2
File Manager has encountered an error while attempting to read from the profile data set. CICS has returned a condition of cond and a resp2 value of resp2. This profile data set is used to populate the FM/CICS logon screen. FM/CICS default values have been used instead.
Look up the condition and resp2 values in CICS Application Programming Reference for the READ FILE API for further information.
Press F5 to wait another 20 seconds, ENTER to resubmit
File Manager has submitted a batch job to start the File Manager address space but has not received a response. The job may be queued, or may have failed. This message is accompanied by message FMNCA016.
Press F5 to wait another 20 seconds for a response from the batch job or ENTER to resubmit the batch job. Refer to the output in the job displayed in message FMNCA016 for any further error messages that may indicate why the job has not responded.
Sockets error
File Manager has encountered an error with the TCP/IP sockets interface. This message is accompanied by message FMNCA021.
Look up the error code for the function displayed in message FMNCA021 in IP CICS Sockets Guide for further information.
FUNCTION: function, ERROR CODE: error_code, RETURN CODE: return_code
File Manager has encountered an error with the TCP/IP sockets interface when issuing a call to the listed function. This message is accompanied by message FMNCA020.
Look up the error code for the listed sockets function in IP CICS Sockets Guide for further information.
Internal reader error, RESOURCE: resource, FUNCTION: function
File Manager has encountered an error while processing the internal reader. File Manager uses the internal reader to submit a batch job that invokes the File Manager address space. The function is the operation File Manager attempted to perform against the internal reader. The resource is the name of the transient data queue defined to the internal reader used by the OPEN, WRITE, and CLOSE functions. For ENQ and DEQ functions, resource is the enqueue resource name used by File Manager. This message is accompanied by message FMNCA023 that contains the returned condition and resp2 values.
Look up the condition and error code displayed in message FMNCA023 for the listed function in CICS Application Programming Reference for further information.
COND: condition, RESP2: resp2
File Manager has encountered an error while processing the internal reader. The condition and resp2 values returned by CICS are displayed. This message is accompanied by message FMNCA022 that contains the resource name and function that encountered the error.
Look up the condition and error code for the function listed in message FMNCA022 in CICS Application Programming Reference for further information.
Internal reader incorrectly defined, RESOURCE: resource
The transient data queue resource is incorrectly defined to the internal reader. File Manager uses the internal reader to submit a batch job that invokes the File Manager address space.
Correctly define a transient data queue to the internal reader. Refer to File Manager for z/OS Customization Guide for further information.
Password successfully changed
The password has been successfully changed for the specified userid.
Unknown return code in ESMRESP from external security manager
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an unknown return code in ESMRESP from the external security manager.
Contact your security administrator.
The CICS external security manager interface is not initialized
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the CICS external security manager interface is not initialized.
Contact your security administrator.
The external security manager is not responding
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the CICS external security manager interface is not responding.
Contact your security administrator.
The USERID field contains a blank character in an invalid position
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the userid field contains a blank character in an invalid position.
Specify a valid userid or contact your security administrator.
Unknown INVREQ value when validating password
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an unknown INVREQ resp2 value.
Contact IBM® Support.
The USERID is not known to the external security manager
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the specified userid is not known to the external security manager.
Specify a valid userid or contact your security administrator.
Unknown condition received from password validation
A CICS request to verify the entered password for the specified userid has returned an unknown condition.
Contact IBM® Support.
Abend during job submission
An abend was encountered when File Manager attempted to submit a batch job to the internal reader to start the File Manager address space.
Refer to the CICS and system log for further information about the cause of the abend.
The change password request failed during SECLABEL processing
A CICS request to change the password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the change password request failed during SECLABEL processing.
Contact your security administrator.
The user is revoked in the connection to the default group
A CICS request to change the password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the user is revoked in the connection to the default group.
Contact your security administrator.
NOTAUTH condition received from change password request
A CICS request to change the password for the specified userid has returned an error condition indicating that the user is not authorized.
Contact your security administrator.
**** File Manager for CICS has ended ****
File Manager for CICS has ended.
Invalid userid, re-enter
You have entered an invalid userid. The userid either contains incorrect characters or is not recognized by the external security manager.
Enter a valid userid.
Userid not authorized to issue INQUIRE command
CICS command security has prevented your userid from issuing INQUIRE commands on the CICS region. Your userid must have the authority to issue INQUIRE commands to run FM/CICS.
Contact your security administrator.
Connection tdqueue error, RESOURCE: resource, FUNCTION: function
File Manager has encountered an error while processing the connection transient data queue. File Manager reads this queue (if specified) to obtain a list of APPLIDs of connected CICS regions where FM/CICS has been installed to process remote resources. The function is the operation File Manager attempted to perform against the queue. The resource is the name of the transient data queue defined to FM/CICS on the CONN option in FMN3POPT.
Look up the condition and error code displayed in message FMNCA023 for the listed function in CICS Application Programming Reference for further information.
Connection tdqueue incorrectly defined, RESOURCE: resource
The connection transient data queue is incorrectly defined. File Manager reads this queue (if specified) to obtain a list of APPLIDs of connected CICS regions where FM/CICS has been installed to process remote resources. The resource is the name of the transient data queue defined to FM/CICS on the CONN option in FMN3POPT. This resource must be defined as an extrapartition, input tdqueue with a record length no larger than 80 bytes.
Correctly define the connection transient data queue. Refer to File Manager Customization Guide for further information.
Trace requested, message log error, RESOURCE: resource, FUNCTION function
You have requested FM/CICS tracing, but and error was encountered with the transient data queue defined as the FM/CICS message log. FM/CICS tracing writes data to the message log, and therefore FM/CICS cannot perform tracing until the error with this resource has been resolved. The function is the operation File Manager attempted to perform against the queue. The resource is the name of the transient data queue defined to FM/CICS as the message log on the MSGL option in FMN3POPT. Refer to the File Manager Customization Guide for further details about the FM/CICS message log.
Look up the condition and error code displayed in message FMNCA0023 for the listed function in CICS Application Programming Reference for further information.
CICS socket interface abend, interface may not be started
Issue the EZAO CICS transaction (if available) to view the status and start the CICS socket interface, then rerun the FM/CICS transaction.
User ID does not have access to appl
Contact your security administrator and request that your user ID be given READ access to the APPL class profile associated with the IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS® Common Components server.
FMNCA065 trace message
Various tracing information as requested during FM/CICS initialization.
File Manager/CICS problem - message nnnn not found in table
File Manager for CICS cannot find the message number nnnn in the message table. This is probably a File Manager error.
Contact IBM® Support.
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss File Manager for CICS started by USER: userid, FACILITY: facility
A FM/CICS session has been started on the CICS region at the specified date and time. The FM/CICS transaction was initiated by the listed userid and facility. This facility will also be written in all subsequent messages written to the message log during this FM/CICS session.
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss File Manager for CICS ended, USER: userid, FACILITY: facility, RC: rc
A FM/CICS session has ended on the CICS region at the specified date and time with return code rc. The FM/CICS transaction was originally initiated by the listed userid and facility.
If the return code is not 0, refer to previous messages for an explanation of the errors encountered.
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Failure loading options module, COND: condition, RESP2: resp2, FACILITY: facility
FM/CICS was unable to load the options module FMN3POPT. When attempting to load the program, CICS returned the listed condition and resp2 values.
If your installation accepted the FM/CICS default values and therefore did not define and install the options module, ignore this message. Otherwise, look up the condition and resp2 values in the CICS Application Programming Reference for the LOAD PROGRAM API for further information. Refer to the File Manager Customization Guide for further information about the options module FMN3POPT.
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Failure loading message module, COND: condition, RESP2: resp2, FACILITY: facility
A language other than ENGLISH was specified in the FM/CICS options module. However, FM/CICS was unable to load the message module for the specified language.
Look up the condition and resp2 values in the CICS Application Programming Reference for the LOAD PROGRAM API for further information. Refer to the File Manager Customization Guide for further information about multicultural support.
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Failure starting verify transaction, COND: condition, RESP2: resp2, FACILITY: facility
FM/CICS attempted to start a transaction to verify that the entered userid is valid. The transaction failed with the listed condition and resp2 values. The default FM/CICS verification transaction is FMVU, but this may have been changed in the options module during installation.
Look up the condition and resp2 values in the CICS Application Programming Reference for the START API for further information. Refer to the File Manager Customization Guide for further information about the userid verification transaction (FMVU).