Step 6. Use the FM/Db2 Copy function
Log on to FM/Db2, and connect to the same Db2® system specified in Step 1. Define Db2 objects to be used during verification.
Set the Copy options as shown in Copy Options panel.
Enter '0.3.3' on the FM/Db2 main menu to access the Copy Options
Process Options Utilities Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── FM/Db2 (DFF2) Copy Options Global Settings Command ===> From Table Concurrency Option: To Table Locking Option: Enter "/" to select option Locking Use uncommitted read 1 1. None 2. Share mode 3. Exclusive mode Processing Options: Duplicate key processing Enter "/" to select option 1 1. Ignore / Delete existing rows 2. Update Ignore RI/Constraint errors Max duplicates ALL Native unicode processing / Create audit trail (Option fixed) F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel
Return to the FM/Db2 main menu by pressing PF3. Select
the FM/Db2 Copy function
by typing '3.3'
on the FM/Db2 main menu and pressing Enter.
From Db2 Objectfield as shown in Copy Utility panel. Press Enter to show the COPY
Tofield in the panel.
Process Options Utilities Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── FM/Db2 (DFF2) Copy Utility Command ===> From Db2 Object: Location . . . . . Database . . . (optional) Owner . . . . . . . FMNCUSR + Table Space . . (optional) Name . . . . . . . Employee-Detail + Copy count . . . . ALL Number of rows to copy From Template: Data set name . . . Member . . . . . . Processing Options: Template usage Enter "/", "A"lways to select option 3 1. Above Edit template 2. Previous Copy panel values 3. Generate from table / Create audit trail (Option fixed) 4. Generate/Replace F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Tofield panel, and select the
Batch executionoption under the
Processing Optionsfield, as shown in Copy Utility panel (destination table).
Process Options Utilities Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── COPY From FMNCUSR.EMPLOYEE-DETAIL Command ===> To Db2 Object: Location . . . . . Database . . . (optional) Owner . . . . . . . FMNCUSR + Table Space . . (optional) Name . . . . . . . Employee-Detail-Copy + To Template: Data set name . . . Member . . . . . . Processing Options: Template usage Enter "/", "A"lways to select option 3 1. Above Edit copy options 2. Previous Edit template mapping 3. Generate from table / Batch execution 4. Generate/Replace F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Press Enter to display the generated JCL for the FM/Db2 batch copy job.
Review the generated JCL. It should not be necessary to change the STEPLIB DD statements if the correct Db2® libraries are specified in the FMN2SSDM macro entry for the currently connected Db2® system.
Submit the job. The expected return code is RC=0, with 48 rows copied.
You can examine the data copied to the Employee-Detail-Copy
using the FM/Db2 editor. Note that the columns are similar to those
in the Employee-Detail
table, but are in a different order.