UNLOAD Options panel

You use the UNLOAD Options panel to enter information that is used in generating an UNLOAD statement in a utility batch job.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)                   UNLOAD Options                 Global Settings

 Utility Options:
    Enter "/" to select option
    /  Allow data changes           --YES->    Isolation Level
    /  Use IEEE floating point                 2  1. Cursor stability
       Allow substitution chars                   2. Uncommitted rows
    /  Allow padding

 Number of Records Value:
    Maximum in Error  2                       (0 or negative means no limit)

 Character Representation Options:
   Encoding Scheme                             CCSID Values
   2  1. Preserve encoding scheme                 SBCS data . . .  0    
      2. EBCDIC                                   Mixed DBCS data  0    
      3. ASCII                                    DBCS data . . .  0    
      4. UNICODE
 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
Allow data changes
When this option is selected, you must supply a value for the Isolation Level. The default is selected.

If not selected, FM/Db2 adds the SHRLEVEL REFERENCE clause to the UNLOAD utility control statements, meaning that during the unload operation, rows of the tables can be read, but can not be inserted, updated, nor deleted by other Db2® threads.

Isolation Level
This parameter comes into effect when the Allow data changes parameter is selected. The default is 1 (Cursor stability). Valid values are:
1 (Cursor stability)
FM/Db2 omits a SHRLEVEL clause to the UNLOAD utility statement. This is equivalent to adding a SHRLEVEL CHANGE ISOLATION CS clause to the UNLOAD utility control statement, meaning that rows can be read, inserted, updated, and deleted from the table space or partition while the data is being unloaded and that the UNLOAD utility reads rows in cursor stability mode.
2 (Uncommitted rows)
FM/Db2 adds a SHRLEVEL CHANGE ISOLATION UR clause to the UNLOAD utility control statement. This means that rows can be read, inserted, updated, and deleted from the table space or partition while the data is being unloaded and that uncommitted rows, if they exist, are unloaded.
Use IEEE floating point
When this option is selected, FM/Db2 adds the FLOAT IEEE clause to the UNLOAD utility control statements.

If not selected, no clause is added; this means that the Db2® UNLOAD utility output format of the numeric floating point numbers are produced in S/390® hexadecimal Floating Point (HFP) format. The default is not selected.

Allow substitution chars
When this option is not selected, FM/Db2 adds the NOSUBS clause to the UNLOAD utility control statement. This means that substitution characters are not allowed in strings. The substitution character that is attempted while unloading data is treated as a conversion error.

The default is selected. A substitution character is sometimes placed in a string when that string is being converted from ASCII to EBCDIC, or converted from one CCSID to another. For example, substitution occurs when a character (sometimes referred to as a code point) that exists in the source CCSID (code page) does not exist in the target CCSID (code page).

Allow padding
When this option is selected, the NOPAD clause is not added to the UNLOAD utility control statements. The default is selected.

If not selected, FM/Db2 adds the NOPAD clause to the UNLOAD utility control statements.

The Db2® default for UNLOAD processing is to pad variable length columns in the unloaded records to their maximum length, and the unloaded records have the same length for each table. Select the item if you wish to use the Db2® defined default behavior.

When padding is performed:

  • The padded data fields are preceded by the length fields that indicate the size of the actual data without the padding.
  • When the output records are reloaded using the LOAD utility, padded data fields are treated as varying length data.
Maximum in Error
This option specifies the value for the maximum number of records in error that are allowed. The unloading process terminates when this value is reached. FM/Db2 adds a MAXERR clause with specified value to the UNLOAD utility statements. The default value is 1.
Encoding Scheme
This option specifies the encoding scheme used by the generated UNLOAD utility control statement for all output data of the character type. Valid values are:
1 (Preserve encoding scheme)
The encoding scheme of the source data is preserved (default).
EBCDIC is the encoding scheme for all output data of the character type.
ASCII is the encoding scheme for all output data of the character type.
UNICODE is the encoding scheme for all output data of the character type.
CCSID Values
This option specifies the values for the coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) for the data in the output data sets. If you specify one or more non-zero values for the SBCS data, Mixed DBCS data and DBCS data fields, FM/Db2 adds a CCSID clause to the UNLOAD utility control statements. If all are zero, no CCSID clause is added.
SBCS data
Specifies the CCSID value for single byte character set (SBCS) data in output records, including data unloaded in the external character formats.
Mixed DBCS data
Specifies the CCSID value for mixed double byte character set (DBCS) data in output records, including data unloaded in the external character formats.
DBCS data
Specifies the CCSID value for DBCS data in output records, including data unloaded in the external character formats.

Zero is the default value for each of the above three CCSID value fields.

With the example settings shown in the figure, the following clauses are added to any generated UNLOAD:

  • MAXERR 2

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